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How to contribute

  1. Before uploading read the terms and conditions of contributing to the Digital Collections repository.
  2. Select ‘Login’ on the side menu
  3. Do not use either of the username and password options on this screen. Instead, select ‘University of Sydney staff and student UniKey login’ and log in with your UniKey and password. If you’ve already logged in elsewhere with Single Sign On, this won’t be necessary.
  4. Select ‘Contribute’ on the side menu
  5. Select ‘Upload COVID-19 donation’
  6. Fill out the details of your donation and upload files:
    1. Enter a title (mandatory). Pick something that accurately describes your donation.
    2. Select ‘Choose Files’, locate the files on your computer and to upload, either double click a single file, or highlight multiple files and select ‘Open’. You can upload a maximum of 20 files at once, with a total size of 500MB or less
    3. Select the type of work:
      • Image
      • Text
      • Video
      • Audio
      • Other (if it’s not any of the above, select other and we’ll add a type of work for you)
    4. Enter the creator of the content in the format Familyname, Firstname. In most circumstances this will be you.
    5. Use the calendar widget under ‘Date From’ to select the date that the item was created. If the content was created over a period of time, use the calendar widget under ‘Date to’ to enter the last date relevant. You can also enter the date in text format if needed.
    6. Enter a description that provides context to your donation. Think:
      • Why?
      • What?
      • When?
      • Where?
      • How?
    7. If relevant, enter in the language for the donation
    8. Confirm that you are either the copyright owner or that there is no copyright for your files
    9. Next to Creatives Commons, select how you want the donation to be made available:
      • Freely used by anyone: CC BY license
      • Used by anyone for non-commercial purpose: CC BY-NC license
      • Can’t be used without my permission: All rights reserved.
  7. Click ‘Finished! Submit’.

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