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The songs of a sentimental bloke  
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The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke

Dennis, G. J. (1876-1938)

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Australian Literature Electronic Gateway

University of Sydney Library

Sydney, Australia

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setis australian etexts poetry 1910-1939

The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke

by Author of “Backblock Ballads and Other Verses”

MY young friend Dennis has honoured me with a request to write a preface to
his book. I think a man can best write a preface to his own book, provided he
knows it is good. Also if he knows it is bad.

The Sentimental Bloke, while running through the Bulletin, brightened u[...]enno. Take the first poem for instance, where the Sentimental Bloke gets the
hump. How many men, in how many different parts of the worldiand of how
many different languagesihave had the same fe[...]terito be something better?

The exquisite humour of The Sentimental Bloke speaks for itself; but there's a
danger that its brilliance may obscure the rest, especially for minds, of all stations,
that, apart from sport and racing,[...]methink”

in this social “pickle found-ery” of ours.

Doreen stands for all good women, w[...]


The world ‘as got me snouted jist a treat; .. .

'Er name's Doreen . . . Well, spare[...]t it, Bill.” Oh, 'ow me 'eart . ..

“Wot's in a name?” she sez... An' then she sighs, .. .
Ar, wimmin! Wot a blinded fool I've been! . . .

She sung a song, an'I sat silent there, . . .

““Er pore dear Par,” she sez, “'e kept aa blessed song, . . .
This ev'nin' I was sit[...]
I. A Spring Song
A Spring Song

THE world ‘as got me snouted jist a treat;
Crool Forchin's dirty left 'as smote me so[...]' to let loose on somethin’ rash. . . .
Aw, I'm a chump!

I know it; but this blimed ole Springtime[...]eaves is shootin’ on the trees,
The air is like a long, cool swig o' beer,

The bonzer smell o' flo[...]Jist moochin' round like some pore, barmy coot,

Of 'ope, an' joy, an’ forchin destichoot.

I've lo[...]r 'eadin' browns; I 'aven't got the 'eart
To word a tom; an’, square an’ all, I'm sick
Of that cheap tart
'Oo chucks 'er carkis at a feller's 'ead
An' mauls 'im... Ar! I wish't that[...]s chirpin' 'igh the 'ole day long;
An' on the air a sad, sweet music breaves
A bonzer song—
A mournful sorter choon thet gits a bloke
Fair in the brisket 'ere, an' makes 'im choke. . .

What is the matter wiv me? .. . I dunno.
I got a sorter yearnin’ 'ere inside,

A dead-crook sorter thing that won't let go
Or be denied—

A feelin’ like I want to do a break,

An’ stoush creation for some woman's sa[...]s chirpin' in the nest,
The parks an' gardings is a bosker sight,
Where smilin' tarts walks up[...]
[...]y know;
But, seems to me, I'm kind er lookin' for
A tart I knoo a 'undred years ago,
Or, maybe, more.
Wot's this I'[...]tart! . . . An‘, bli'me, look at me!
Jist take aa man is built.

It's 'ow Gawd builds a bloke; but don't it 'urt
When 'e gits yeamin's fer this[...]?

Wot wus I slung 'ere for? An‘ wot's the good
Of yeamin' after any ideel tart? . . .
Ar, ifa bloke wus only understood!
'E's got a ‘eart:
'E's got a soul inside 'im, poor or rich.
But wot's the use,[...]l'd 'is pitch?

I tells meself some day I'll take a pull
An‘ look eround fer some good, stid[...]
[...]little birds is chantin' lovers' lays;
The music of the sorft an' barmy breeze. . . .
Aw, spar[...]
[...]me, that kids meself I know their ways,
An' ‘as a name for smoogin' in our click!
I just lines up a[...]ut strike! The way she piled on dawg! Yer'd think
A bloke was givin' back-chat to the Queen. . . .
'Er name[...]ithe same ole wayi
An‘ sez, “Wot 0! It's been a bonzer day.
'Ow is it fer a walk?” . . . Oh, 'oly wars!
The sorter look she gimme! Jest becors
I tried to chat 'er, like you'd make a start
Wiv any tart.

An' I kin take me oaf I wus[...]sn't right,
An' never tried to maul 'er, or to do
A thing yeh might call crook. Ter tell yeh true,
I[...]sighted ‘er in Little Bourke,
Where she was in a job. I found ‘er lurk
Wus pastin' labels in a picklejoint,
A game thatiany'ow, that ain't the point.
Once more[...]in the street,
But, bli'me! Did she turn me down a treat!
The way she tossed ‘er 'ead an‘ swished ‘er skirt!
Oh, it wus dirt!

Abloke 'ad Buckley's 'oo
Tried fer to pick ‘er up. Yes[...]ny mug. Thinks I, “I'm out er luck,”
An' done a duck.
Well, I dunno. It's that way wiv a bloke.
If she'd ha' breasted up ter me an' spoke,
I'd thort 'er jist a commin bit er fluff,
An' then fergot about 'er, l[...]get an 'ammer-lock;
An’ lose yer block.

I know a bloke 'oo knows a bloke 'oo toils
In that same pickle found-ery. ('E boil[...]Anyway,
I gives me pal the orfis fer to say
'E'as a sister in the trade 'oo's been
Out uv a jorb, an' wants ter meet Doreen;
Then we kin get[...]'struth, I ain't recovered frum it yet!
'Twas on a Saturdee, in Colluns Street,
An'—quite by accid[...]e trots 'er up an' does the toff—

'E allus wus a bloke fer showin’ off.
“This 'ere's Doreen,” 'e s[...]me, I'ad nothin’ more ter say!
I couldn't speak a word, or meet 'er eye.
Clean done me block! I never been so shy,
Not since I was a tiny little cub,
An’ run the rabbit to the corn[...]torked an’ larft,

An' chucked orf at 'em like a phonergraft!
Gorstrooth! I seemed to lose me pow'r o' speech.
But, 'er! Oh, strike me pink! She is a peach!

The sweetest in the barrer! Spare me days[...]friend;
An tried ter play at 'andies in the park,
A thing she wouldn't sight. Aw, it's a nark!
I gotter swear when I think wot a mug
I must ‘a’ seemed to 'er. But still I'ug
That promise tha[...]days drag by
On ledding feet. I wish't they'd do a guy.
I dunno 'ow I'ad the nerve ter speak,
An! ma[...]v 'er fer Sundee week!
But strike! It's funny wot a bloke'll do
When 'e's all out... . She's gorn, when I c[...]at smoogin' game!
An' so I ort; fer ain't I known a few?
Yet some'ow .. . I dunno. It ain't th[...]
[...]ays! An' 'ow they've flowni
Flown like the smoke of some inchanted fag;
Since dear Doreen, the sweete[...]sky the rag.
An' eV‘ry golding day floats o'er a chap
Like a glad dream of some celeschil scrap.

Refreshed in sleep Day to[...]rs in the East, chock-filll o' skite;
Then spars a bit, an‘ plugs Night on the point.
Out go the s[...]as jumped the joint.

The sun looks up, an‘ wiv a cautious stare,
Like some crook keekin' o'er a winder sill

To make dead cert'in everythink is s[...]'er an Eastern 'ill,

Then rises, in 'is dial all a-grin,

An' sez, “'Ooray! I knoo that we could win!”

Sure of 'is title then, the champeen Day
Begins to put on[...]res clamour at 'is feet
Until 'e thinks ‘imself a little gawd,
An‘ swaggers on an‘ kids 'imself a treat.
The w'ile the lurkin' barrackers 0' Night[...]'Otly demandin' terms, an‘ time, an‘ place.

A w'ile the champeen scoms to make reply;
[...]ks an’ fills, becos
'E doesn't feel the Boshter Bloke 'e was.

Time does a bunk as us-u-al, nor stays
A single instant, e'en at Day's be'est.
Alas, the '[...]imly on the quakin' Day,

Whose noisy push, shorn of their 'igh-noon 'opes,
Wait, ‘ushed an' anxious, fer the comin' fray.

And many lusty barrackers of noon

Desert 'im one by one—traitors so soon![...]on the stage,
An' narked, the sun, 'is backer, in a huff,

Sneaks outer sight, red in the face wiv ra[...]ats come out to mock the fallin’ King.
Now, wiv a jolt, Night spreads 'im on the floor,
An all the west grows ruddy wiv 'is gore.

A single, vulgar star leers from the sky
An’ in d[...]Night's conkerbine, comes glidin' by
An’ laughs a 'eartless, silvery “Ha-ha!”
Scored, be[...]
The commin end of most of us is—Tart.

[...]ce! Its gentle sorter tone,
Like soft dream-music of some Dago band.
An! me all out; an' 'oldin' in me[...]he moon; such boshter eyes!
An’ when they sight a bloke .. . O, spare me days!
'E goes all loose inside;[...]ll ashamed uv wot'e's been
To look inter the eyes of my Doreen.

The wet sands glistened, an’ the gleamin' moon
Shone yeller on the sea, all streakin' down.
A band was playin' some soft, dreamy choon;
An' up[...]wish't yeh meant it.” 'Struth! And did I, fair?
A bloke 'ud be a dawg to kid a skirt
Like 'er. An' me well knowin' she was squar[...]She knoo. I've done me block in on'er, straight.
A cove 'as got to think some time in life
An’ get[...]o late,
To be ‘is wife.
But, Gawd! 'Oo would ‘a’ thort it could ‘a’ been
My luck to strike the likes of 'er? . . . Doreen!

Aw, I can stand their chuckin[...]take 'em on.
The dawgs! But it gets that way wiv a man

When 'e's fair gone.
[...]oush; an‘ so I 'ave to take
Their mag, an‘ do a duck fer ‘er sweet sake.

Fer ‘er sweet sake[...]an‘ schools an‘ all that leery game.
Fer when a bloke ‘as come to know Doreen,
It ain't the same.
The[...]I sorter felt
That bosker feelin' that comes o'er a bloke,
An' makes 'im melt;
Makes 'im all ‘ot to maul[...]li'me? but it's love!

That's wot it is. An' when a man ‘as grown
Like that 'e gets a sorter yearn inside
To be a little 'ero on 'is own;
An' see the pride
Glow in the eyes of'er 'e calls 'is queen;
An' 'ear ‘er say 'e is a shine champeen.

“I wish't yeh meant it,” I c[...]ight,
Tumin‘ the waves all yeller where it seti
A bonzer night!
The sparklin' sea all sorter[...]
The Play

“WOT'S in a name?” she sez... An’ then she sighs,
An' clasps 'er little 'ands, an’ rolls 'er eyes.
A rose,” she sez, “be any other name
Would smel[...]nge yer moniker!


Doreen an' me, we bin to see a show—

The swell two-dollar touch. Bong tong, yeh know.
A chair apiece wiv velvit on the seat;

A slap-up treat.

The drarmer's writ be Shakespeare, years ago,
About a barmy goat called Romeo.

“Lady, be yonder moon[...]imbs up on the balkiney;

An’ there they smooge a treat, wiv pretty words
Like two love-birds.

I n[...]ames never count... But ar, I like “Doreen!”

A sweeter, dearer sound I never 'eard;
Ther's music[...]to say
About the play?

I'm off me beat. But when a bloke's in love
'Is thorts turns 'er way, like a ‘omin’ dove.

This Romeo 'e's lurkin' wiv a crew—

A dead tough crowd o' crooks—called Montague.
'Is[...]hey fights wiv skewers 'stid o' bricks.

Wot's in a name? Wot's in a string o' words?
They scraps in ole Verona wiv the'r swords,
An’ never give a bloke a stray dog's chance,
An’ that's Romance.
bloke will do the trick
Wiv Ginger Mick,

Of Spadger's Lane. ‘E'// be a Romeo,

When 'e's bin dead five 'undred years or[...]that crowd o' mine no lip;
An’ if you run agin a Capulet,

Jist do a get.”

'E swears 'e's done wiv lash; 'e'll chuc[...]An’ then she'd sigh

“Ow, Ro-me-o!” an' git a strangle-holt,

An’ 'ang around 'im like she feared 'e'd bolt.

Nex' day 'e words a gorspil cove about

A secret weddin’; an' they plan it out.

'E spouts a piece about 'ow 'e's bewitched:
Then they git 'it[...]n' yet'e lets 'er slip!

Ar! but'e makes me sick! A fair gazob!

'E's jist the glarsey on the soulful sob,

'E'll sigh and spruik, an’ 'owl a love-sick vow—
(The silly cow!)

But when 'e's[...]tries to kid it's Fate.

Aw! Fate me foot! Instid of slopin' soon
As 'e was wed, off on 'is 'oneymoon,[...]They look fer trouble; an' it's wot they gets.

A tug named Tyball (cousin to the skirt)
Sprags 'em an' makes a start to sling off dirt.
Nex' minnit there's a reel ole ding-dong go—
‘Arf round or s[...]

“Tt's me or you!” 'e 'owls, an' wiv a yell,

Plunks Tyball through the gizzard wiv 'is[...]’ nose around until 'e gits blue funk

An' does a bunk.

They wants 'is tart to wed some other guy.[...]wish that I could die!”

Now, this 'ere gorspil bloke's a fair shrewd 'ead.
Sez 'e “T'll dope yeh, so they'll think yer dead.”
(I tips 'e was a cunnin’ sort, wot knoo

Aa treat an' starts to whirl.
'Ere's Romeo comes bac[...]d in'er little coffing, cold an’ stiff,

An' in a jiff,

'E swallows lysol, throws a fancy fit,

'Ead over turkey, an! 'is soul 'as fl[...]e,” she sez, “I cannot live alone!”
An! wiv a moan,

She grabs 'is pockit knife, an' ends 'er cares. . .
“Peanuts or lollies!” sez a boy upstairs.

The Stror ‘at Coot

AR, wimmin! Wot a blinded fool I've been!

I arsts meself, wot else[...]his Doreen,

An! now me 'eart is broke, me life's a wreck!
The dreams I dreamed, the dilly thorts I thunk
Is up the pole, an' joy 'as done a bunk.

Wimmin! O strike! I orter known the game![...]ch fer all me mortal days.

They're all the same! A man 'as got to be
Stric' master if 'e wants to snare 'em sure.
'E 'as to take a stand an’ let 'em see
That triflin' is a thing 'e won't indure.
'E wants to show 'em that 'e 'olds command,
So they will smooge an' feed out of 'is 'and.

'E needs to make 'em feel 'e is the bo[...]eir pretty ways is crook pretence
Is plain to any bloke wiv common-sense.

But when the birds is nestin'[...]is name is Mud.
She plays wiv 'im an' kids 'im on a treat,
Until she 'as ‘im crawlin’ at 'er feet[...]m good an! 'ad 'er fun,

She slings 'im over like a carst-orf glove,
To let the other tarts se[...]
I wus content to make of 'er a queen;
An’ so she seemed them days... O, 'strut[...]essed close to mine,
Me lonely life seemed robbed of all its care;
I dreams me dreams, an' ‘ope begu[...]h, I ain't jealous! Spare me days!
Me? Jealous uv a knock-kneed coot like that!
‘Im! Wiv 'is cute stror'at an' pretty ways!
I'd be a mug to squeal or whip the cat.
I'm glad, I am—g[...]No, I ain't jealous—but—Ar, I dunno!

I took a derry on this stror 'at coot
First time I seen 'i[...]s giddy tie an' Yankee soot,
Ferever yappin' like a tork-machine
About “The Hoffis” where 'e'ad a grip... .
The way 'e smiled at 'er give me the pi[...]ed 'im, when I promised fair
To chuck it, even to a friendly spar.
Stoushed 'im! I never roughed ‘i[...]I only spanked 'im gentle, fer 'is mar.
If I'd ‘a’ jabbed 'im once, there would ‘a’ been
An inquest; an' I sez so to Doreen.

I mi[...]owns I met 'im on the quiet,
An! worded 'im about a small affair;
An' when 'e won't put up 'is[...]
An! smacks 'im 'earty, like a naughty boy.

An' now Doreen she sez I've broke m[...]“wounded pride.”
An' then, o' course, we 'as a ding-dong row,
Wiv 'ot an' stormy words on either[...]parts fer ever—'er an' me.

Me jealous? Jealous of that cross-eyed cow!
I set ‘im 'cos I couldn't[...]ow.
I couldn't stand 'im 'angin' round 'er place.
A coot like that! .. . But it don't matter much,
Sh[...]at any woman's beck an' call.

Wimmin! I've took a tumble to their game.
I've got the 'ole bang trib[...]hey are all the same:
Crook to the core the bunch of 'em—an' yet
We could ‘a’ been that 'appy, 'er an’ me...
But, wot's it matter? Ain't I glad I'm free?

A bloke wiv commin-sense 'as got to own
There's little 'a[...]spring,
An! when the tender leaves begin to bud,
A feelin' comes—a dilly sorter thing—
That seems to sorter swamp ‘im like a flood.
An! when the fever 'ere inside 'im burns,[...]es stirs;
An' often, when I'm moonin' 'ere alone,
A lispin' maid, wiv ‘air an! eyes like 'er[...]
I sorter see a little 'ouse, it seems,
Wiv someone waitin' for m[...]she was wrong.

To call 'er back I'll never lift a 'and;

She'll never 'ear frum me by word o[...]
The Siren

SHE sung a song; an‘ I sat silent there,
Wiv bofe 'ands gr[...]at yesterdee I thort wus broke
Wiv 'umpin‘ sich a 'eavy load 0' care,
Come swellin' in me throat li[...]ad music in the sofly rustlin' leaves.
An‘ when a bloke sits down an‘ starts to chew
Crook thorts, wivo[...]r winded wiv the 'eavy sighs 'e 'eaves.

She sung a song; an‘ orl at once I seen

The kind 0' crool[...]less broot I been.
In ev‘ry word I read it like a booki

The slanter game I'd played wiv my Doreeni[...]heir own crool 'earts is leather-tough.

She sung a song; an‘ orl them bitter things
That chewin' over lovers' quarrils brings

Guv place to thorts of sorrer an‘ remorse.
Like when some dilly punter[...]em vain regrets wot 'urts an‘ stings.

'Twas at a beano where I lobs along
To drown them memories 0[...]spair!
'Er look 0' scom! . . . An' then, she sung a song.

The choon was one 0' them sad, moumfill t[...], and brings

Tears to yer eyes. The words was uv a tart
'Oo's trackin‘ wiv a silly coot 'oo slings
[...]as the way she sings.

To 'ear ‘er voice! . . . A bloke 'ud be a log
'00 kep' 'is block. Me mind wus in a fog
Of sorrer for to think 'ow I wus wrong;
Ar, I 'ave been a fair ungratefill 'og!
The feelin' that she put into that song
'Ud melt the 'eart-strings of a chiner dog.

I listens wiv me 'eart up in me thro[...]pleadin‘ look she gave
Fair in me face 'ud melt a 'eart 0' wood.

I dunno 'ow I seen that evenin' t[...]me dooty, wot I 'ad to do.
0, strike! I could ‘a’ blubbed before 'em all!
But I sat tight, an‘ never cracked a boo.

An' when at larst the tarts they makes a rise,
A lop-eared coot wiv 'air down to 'is eyes
'E 'ooks[...]ever takes no 'eed;
Jist stares before ‘er like a startled bird.

I tells 'er, never can no uvver t[...]'ave to part.
I tells ‘er that me life will be a wreck.
It ain't no go. But when I makes a start
To walk away, ‘er arms is roun‘ me neck.
[...]es, I s'pose, to uvver men—
When you ‘ave 'ad a reel ole ding-dong row,

Say, ain't it bonzer mak[...]... Ar, I'ma cow!

To think I'd ever seek to 'arm a ‘air
Of'er dear 'ead agen! My oath, I swear
No more I'll[...], I ain't no angel, Kid,” she says.
“T'm jist a woman, an! I loves yeh true!
An' so I'll love yeh all me mortal days!”

She sung a song. .. . "Ere, in me barmy style,
I sets orl tarts; for in me hour o' trile
Me soul was withered be a woman's frown,
An' broodin' care come roostin' on me dile.
She sung a song. . .. Me 'eart, wiv woe carst down,
Wus raised to 'Eaven be a woman's smile.



'ER pore dear Par,” she sez, “'e kept a store”;
An’ then she weeps an’ stares 'ard[...]re. 'E'd no faults ixcept
"Im fallin’ 'eavy orf a load o' charf
W'ich—killed 'im—on the—” '[...]t.

She blows 'er nose an! sniffs. “'E would ‘a’ made”
She sez “a lot of money in the trade.

But, 'im took orf so sudden-[...]life insurince paid.

“To think,” she sez, “a child o' mine should be
Rejuiced to workin’ in a factory!

If'er pore Par 'e 'adn't died,” she sobs .. .
I sez, “It wus a bit o' luck for me.”

Then I gits red as 'ell,[...]I made me first deboo.
I'd dodged it cunnin' fer a month or two.

Doreen she sez, “You'll 'ave to[...]en it thro’.

I'd pictered some stern female in a cap
Wot puts the fear o' Gawd into a chap.

An’ 'ere she wus, aweepin' in 'er tea
An’ drippin’ moistcher like a leaky tap.

Two dilly sorter dawgs made outer del[...]up regardless, fer this interview.

Stiff shirt, a Yankee soot split up the back,
A tie wiv yeller spots an' stripes o' blue.[...]
[...]ve alwus 'ad our bite and sup.
Doreen's been sich a help; she 'as indeed.

Some more tea, Willy? 'Ave another cup.”

Willy! 0 'e11! 'Ere wus a flamin' pill!
A moniker that alwus makes me ill.

“If it's the[...]mum,” I replies
“I answer quicker to the name of Bill.”

Up goes ‘er 'ands an‘ eyes, “That[...]me son-in-lor;
So, Willy, come an‘ give yer Mar a kiss.”

I done it. Tho' I dunno 'ow I did.

“[...]they looked at me she seemed to say
“I'm proud of'im, I am, an‘ 'e is mine.”

There wus a sorter glimmer in ‘er eye,
An 'appy, nervis loo[...]An' then when Mar-in-lor an‘ me began

To tork of'ouse'old things an‘ scheme an‘ plan,
A sudden thort fair jolts me where I live:

“These is my wimmin folk! An' I'm a man!”

It's wot they calls responsibility.
All of a 'eap that feelin' come to me;

An' somew'ere in me 'ead I seemed to feel
A sneakin' sort 0' wish that I was free.

'Ere's me '00 never took no 'eed 0' life,
Investin' in a mar-in-lor an‘ wife:
Someone to battle f[...]

““'Er pore dead Par,” she sez, an' gulps a sob.
An’ then I tells 'er 'ow I got a job,

As storeman down at Jones' printin' joint,
Aa bit, when we parts at the gate.

An' as I'm moochin' 'omeward frum the car
A suddin notion stops me wiv a jar—

Wot if Doreen, I thinks, should grow to be,
A fat ole weepin' willer like 'er Mar!

O, 'struth! It won't bear thinkin’ of! It's crook!
An' I'ma mean, unfeelin' dawg to loo[...]oreen's Doreen to me,
The sweetest peach on w'ich a man wus shook.

'Er “pore dear Par”. . . I s'[...]r in 'is way.
An! wed an’ took 'is chances like a man—

But, Gawd, this splicin' racket ain't all play.

Love is a gamble, an' there ain't no certs.

Some da[...]
[...]s about the registry—
O'oly wars! yeh should ‘a’ seen 'er stare;
“The registry?” she sez, “I wouldn't dare!
I know a clergyman we'll go an' see”. . .
“Young frien[...]ez. An' then ''e chats me straight;
An!’ spouts of death, an’ 'ell, an’ mortal sins.
“You reck[...]ez.

“Young friend,” 'e sez. An' then 'e mags a lot
Of jooty an’ the spiritchuil life,
To which I didn't tumble worth a jot.
“T'm sure,” 'e sez, “as you will 'ave a wife
‘Oo'll 'ave aa 'undreth part so dear
As 'er. She 'as me '[...]
[...]I kin but recall wiv tears an‘ sighs
The lives of some I've seen in marridge gived.”
“My Gawd!” I sez. “I'll strive as no bloke strivved!
Fer don't I know I've copped a bonzer prize?”
“Young friend,” 'e sez.

“[...]sez. An' in 'is gentle way,
'E pats the shoulder ofA queer ole pilot bloke,
Wiv silver 'air. The gentle way 'e dealt
Wiv 'er, the soft an‘ kindly way 'e spoke
To my Doreen, 'ud make a statcher melt.
I tell yer, square an‘ all, I sorter felt
A kiddish kind 0' feelin' like I'd choke . .[...]
[...]sez, “I will.”

“T will,” I sez. An' tho' a joyful shout
Come from me bustin’ 'eart—I kno[...]r mangled comin' out,
An’ makes me whisper like a frightened kid.
“T will,” I squeaks. An' I'd ‘a’ give a quid
To 'ad it on the quite, wivout this fuss,
An[...]wd that Mar 'ad bid
To see this solim hitchin' up of us.

“Fer—tich-er—er—fer—por-er.” So[...]uttin’ on our brands—
This white-'aired pilot-bloke—but gives it lip,
Dressed in 'is little shirt,[...]fs it out.
“T will!” 'e 'owls; an' fetches me a kick.
“Your turn to chin!” 'e tips wiv a shout.
An’ there I'm standin’ like a gawky lout.
(Aw, spare me! But I seemed to be ail 'ands!)
An! wonders wot'e's goin’ crook about,
Wiv 'arf a mind to crack 'im where 'e stands.

O, lumme! But ole Ginger was a trick!
Got up regardless fer the solim rite.
('E[...]does Mick)
An’ twice I saw ‘im feelin’ fer a light
To start a fag; an' trembles lest 'e might,
Thro' for[...]
[...]Mar's two uncles! wives, an' Cousin Lil,
An' 'arf a dozen more to grin and stare.
I couldn't make me[...]up afore the Beak!
But my Doreen she never turns a ‘air,
Nor misses once when it's 'er turn to speak.

Ar, strike! No more swell marridges fer me!

It seems a blinded year afore 'e's done.
We could ‘a’ fixed it in the registree

Twice over 'fore th[...]takes the bloomin' bun,
This stylish splicin' uv a bloke an’ skirt.

“To—be—yer—weddid—wife—” Aw, take a pull!
Wot in the 'ell's 'e think I come there for[...]awls an' drones until I'm full,
An’ wants to do a duck clean out the door.
An’ yet, fer orl ‘is 'igh-falutin' jor,
Ole Snowy wus a reel good-meanin' bloke.
If 'twasn't fer the 'oly look 'e wore
Yeh'd think 'e piled it on jist fer a joke.

An’, when at last 'e shuts 'is little book,
I 'eaves a sigh that nearly bust me vest.
But 'Eavens! Now '[...]manly chest!
(I wish she'd give them water-works aa beano up at Mar's—
A slap-up feed, wiv wine an' two big geese.
Doreen[...]wished their blessed yap would cease!
The Parson-bloke 'e speaks a little piece,
That makes me blush an' ‘ang me s[...]r the things 'e said.

'E sez Doreen an' me is in a boat,
An’ sailin' on the matrimonial sea[...]
[...]to weepin' in ‘er tea;
An' Auntie Liz sobs like a winded colt;

An' Cousin Lil comes 'round an‘ kisses me;
Until I feel I'll 'ave to do a bolt.

Then Ginger gits end-up an‘ makes a speechi
('E'd 'ad a couple, but 'e wasn't shick.)

“My cobber 'ere,” 'e sez, “ 'as copped a peach!
Oforl the barrer-load she is the pick!

I[...]We're honey-moonin' down beside the Bay.)
I gives a 'arf a dollar to the man
Wot drives the cab; an‘ like two kids we ran
To ketch the trainiAh, strike! I could ‘a’ flown!
We gets the carridge right agen the va[...]'s grown

Inside me 'ere that makes me feel I own
A thing so tender like I fear to squeeze

Too 'ard fer fear she'll break . . . Then, wiv a groan
I starts to 'ear a coot call, “Tickets, please!”

You could ‘a’ outed me right on the spot!

I wus so rattled[...]es red. . . .

It shows 'ow married life improves a bloke:
IfI'd bin single I'd ‘a’ punched 'is head!
[...]an' looked at me an’ never stirred.

I could ‘a’ bluffed it out if she 'ad been
Fair narked, an[...]fe

Is chucked away!”
If she 'ad bashed me I'd 'a felt no 'urt!
But 'ere she treats me like—like I wus dirt.

‘Ow is a man to guard agen that look?
Fer other wimmin, when the'r blokes go crook,
An’ lobs 'ome wiv the wages uv a jag,

They smashes things an’ carries on a treat

An! 'owls an’ scolds an' wakes the bloom[...]e own Doreen!

Fond dreams 'as flit;

Love's done a bunk, an' joy is up the pole;
An! shame an' sorre[...]“Kin yeh keep one down?”
I sez I can.
We 'as a couple; then meets three er four
Flash cov[...]
“'Ow are yeh on a little gamble, Kid?”
Sez Ginger Mick. “Lars'[...]nks, “Why not?
An’ buy 'er presents if I wins a pot?
A blazin' fool
I wus. Fer 'arf a mo' I 'as a fight;
Then conscience skies the wipe . . . Sez I[...]soul's in pawn.
My flamin' sins
They ‘its me in a'cap right where I live:
Fer I 'ave broke the soli[...]n I speaks, it seems she never 'eard.

I could ‘a’ sung a nim, I feels so gay!
If she 'ad only roused I might ‘a’ smiled.
She jist seems ‘urt an' crushed; not[...]ot made me go an' do this thing?
I feel jist like a chewed up bit of string,

An' rotten mean!

Fer ‘arf an hour I l[...],
An’ sees 'er standin’ there beside the bed;
A basin in 'er 'ands; an! in 'er eyes—
[...]s! Jt was beef tea!

Beef tea! She treats me like a hinvaleed!

Me! that 'as caused 'er lovin' 'eart to bleed.
It'urts me worse than maggin' fer a week!

'Er! 'oo 'ad right to turn dead sour on me[...]I did—
I 'ides me face . . . an' blubbers like a kid.

[...]T no time fer wasters, lad,” sez 'e,
“Give me a man wiv grit,” sez Uncle Jim.
'E bores 'is cute[...]t no grammarist meself, per'aps,
But langwidge is aa gift—like spoutin' slang.
Yeh'll 'ave to cut the luxuries o' town,
An’ chuck the manners of this back-street gang;
For country life ain't cig[...]them joys I''eld most dear;

I've sent the leery bloke that bore me name
Clean to the pack wivout one pearly tear;

An’ frum the ashes of a ne'er-do-well

A bloomin! farmer's blossomin' like ‘ell.

I've gripped the plough; and blistered jist a treat.
Doreen an' me ‘as gone upon the l[...]
An' there's a secret, whispered in the dark,
‘As made me 'eart sing like a flamin’ lark.

Jist let me tell yeh 'ow it come about.
The things that I've been thro' 'ud fill a book.
Right frum me birf Fate played to knock me[...].

We done poor Muwver proud when she went out—
A slap-up send-orf, trimmed wiv tears an! crape.
An[...]weeks Doreen she mopes about,
An’ life takes on a gloomy sorter shape.
I watch 'er face git pale, '[...]Till—like some ‘airy angel—comes ole Jim.

A cherub togged in sunburn an! a beard
An’ duds that shouted “'Ayseed!” fer a mile:
Care took the count the minute 'e appeared,[...]wife.
Somethin’ like that. In less than ‘arf a day
It seemed 'e'd been my uncle orl me life.
'E[...]s that ugly phiz.”

An' when 'e'd stayed wiv us a little while
The 'ouse begun to look like ‘ome[...]sses me wot looks like some fond dream.

'E ‘as a little fruit-farm, doin’ well;

'E saved a tidy bit to see 'im thro’;
'E's gittin' old fer toil, an' wants a spell;

An’ 'ere's a 'ome jist waitin! fer us two.
“Tt's 'ers[...]
[...], will yeh take it on?”

So that's the strength of it. An! 'ere's me now
A flamin' berry farmer, full o' toil;
Playin’ joo[...]back fergits to ache.

Me days an' nights is full of schemes an' plans
To figger profits an' cut out t[...]the right to rouse... .
An' my Doreen's the lady of the 'ouse.

To see 'er bustlin' 'round about the place,
Full of the simple joy o' doin’ things,
That thoughtful[...]ce an' pride o' labour brings,
Is worth the crowd of joys I knoo one time,
An' makes regrettin' 'em seem like a crime.

An’ ev'ry little while ole Uncle Jim
Comes up to stay a bit an’ pass a tip.
It gives us 'eart jist fer to look at 'im,
An' so I reckon that it's up to me
To make a bloomin' do of it or bust.
I got to take the back-ache wiv the r[...]lls—fer look at me!
You wouldn't take me, 'bout a year ago,
Free gratis wiv a shillin' pound o' tea;
Then, in a blessed 'eap, ole Forchin lands
A missus an’ a farm fair in me ‘ands.

The Kid

MY son! . . . Them words, jist like a blessed song,
Is singin' in me 'eart the 'ole day[...]scared I'll wake

Out ofa dream, to find it all a fake.

My son! Two little words, that, yesterdee,[...]the blue

Unless I'm gazin' lovin' at them two.

A little while ago it was jist “me”7

A lonely, longin‘ streak o' misery.
An‘ then 't[...]talk no slang;
I mustn't pinch 'is nose, or make a face
I mustn'tistn'ke! 'E seems to own the place![...]g, goo.”

Why! 'smornin' 'ere 'is lordship gits a grip
Fair on me fingerigive it quite a nip!
An‘ whenI tugs, 'e won't let go 'is hold![...]ear yeh never did

In all yer natcheril, see sich a kid.
The cunnin' ways 'e's got; the knowin' starei
Ther' ain't a youngster like 'im anywhere!

An', when 'e gits a little pain inside,
'Is dead straight grif[...]
[...]the tellin’ I might feel again

One little part of all that fear an’ pain.

It come so sudden that[...]urse.

By gum; that woman! But she beat me flat!

A man's jist putty in a game like that.

She owned me 'appy 'ome almost b[...]! but cold wiv fear inside—

An' then, to think a man could be denied
'Is wife an! 'ome an! told to[...]ak wiv funk to start an' rouse.

‘Struth! Ain't a man the boss in 'is own 'ouse?
“You go an! chas[...]n' joy...
An’ then she beckons me, an' sez—“A boy!”

A boy!” she sez. “An! bofe is doin' well!”

I drops into a chair, an' jist sez—“EIl!”
It was a pray'r. I feels bofe crook an’ glad... .
An that's the strength of bein' made a dad.

I thinks of church, when in that room I goes,
‘Oldin' me breaf an' walkin' on me toes.
Fer ‘arf a mo' I feared me nerve 'ud fail
To see 'er[...]
[...]ead. “Dear lad! Kiss 'im.”

Near smothered in a ton of snowy clothes,

First thing, I sees a bunch o' stubby toes,
Bald 'ead, termater face, a[...]es.
“Look, Kid,” she smiles at me. “Ain't'e a size?”

'E didn't seem no sorter size to me;

B[...]e sez. “Our precious pet!”
An’ then, I seen a great big drop roll down
An’ fall—kersplosh!—fair on ‘is nibs's crown.

An still she smiles. “A lucky sign,” she said.

“Somewhere, in some o[...]iss 'im,” she sez. I was afraid to take
Too big a mouthful of 'im, fear 'e'd break.
An' when 'e gits a fair look at me phiz
'E puckers up 'is nose, an' then—Geewhizz!

'Ow did'e'owl! In 'arf aA long, long time I looks at my two 'ands.

“They[...]to the bone.”

Them vows an' things sounds like a lot o' guff.

Maybe, it's foolish thinkin’ all[...]heme an’ plan;
But—I dunno—t's that way wiv a man.

I only know that kid belongs to me!
We ain't decided yet wot 'e's to be.
Doreen, she sez 'e's got a poit's eyes;
But I ain't got much use fer them soft guys.

I think we ort to make 'im something great—
A bookie, or a champeen 'eavy-weight:
Some callin’ that'll give 'im room to spread.
A fool could see 'e's got a clever 'ead.
[...]ad ring fer me ole conk, she sez it is.
More like a blob ofputty on 'is phiz,
I think. But 'e's a fair 'ard case, all right.
I'll swear I thort 'e[...]hat I don't feel proud.

My son! . . . If there's a Gawd 'Oos leanin' near
To watch our dilly little lives down 'ere,
'E smiles, I guess, if'E's a lovin' onei
Smiles, friendly-like, to 'ear[...]
[...]d the orchard's bonzer green,
The flamin' wonder of the settin' sun.

Another day gone by; another ni[...]When 'Ope turned nark an‘ Love forgot to smile,
Of somethin‘ I once seen in some old book
Where an[...]Livin' an‘ lovin'; leamin' day be day;
Pausin' a minute in the barmy strife
To find that 'elpin'[...]ooks wiv yeamings to improve,
To 'eave meself out of me lowly groove,

An‘ 'ere is orl the ch[...]

Life's wot yeh make it; an’ the bloke 'oo tries
To grab the shinin' stars frum out the skies

Goes crook on life, an’ calls the world a cheat,
An! tramples on the daisies at 'is feet.[...]vin’; wand'rin' on yer way;
Reapin' the 'arvest of a kind deed done;

An' watchin’, in the sundown of yer day,
Yerself again, grown nobler in yer son.[...]minds that values simple things.

An' when I take a look along the way

That I 'ave trod, it seems the man knows best,
Who's met wiv slabs of sorrer in 'is day,

When 'e is truly rich an’ t[...]becos me eyes 'ave seen
The lovelight in the eyes of my Doreen;
An' Lam blest, becos me feet 'ave trod
A land 'oo's fields reflect the smile o' God.

Livi[...]vin’; learnin' to fergive
The deeds an’ words of some un'appy bloke
Who's missed the bus—so ‘ave I come to live,
An' take the 'ole mad world as 'arf a joke.

* * * * *

Sittin' at ev'nin' in this sunset-land,

Wiv 'Er in all the World to 'old me 'and,
A son, to bear me name when I am gone....
The Glossary

A.I.F.—Australian Imperial Force.

Alley, to toss[...]n, the.—On the turf, horses that fail to secure a leading place;
hence, obscure persons, nonentities.

'Ammer-lock (Hammer-lock).—Aof utterance.

'Ard Case (Hard Case).—A shrewd or humorous person.

'Ayseed (Hayseed).—A rustic.

Back Chat.—Impudent repartee.

Back an[...]ation.

Barmy (Balmy).—Foolish; silly.

Beak.—A magistrate. (Possibly from Anglo-Saxon, Beag—a magistrate.)

Beano.—A feast.

Beans.—Coins; money.

Beat—Puzzled; defeated.

Beat, off the.—Out of the usual routine.

Beef (to beef it out).—To d[...]give the.—To treat with derision.

Blighter.—A worthless fellow.

Bli'me.—An oath with the fan[...]Blither.—To talk at random, foolishly.

Blob.—A shapeless mass.

Block—The head. To lose or do[...].—To remain calm;

Block, the.—A fashionable city walk.

BlokeA male adult of the genus homo.

Blubber, blub.—To weep.[...]
Bob.—A shilling.

Bokays.—Compliments, flattery.

Bok[...], bosker.—Adjectives expressing the superlative of

Boodle—Money; wealth.

Book.—A bookie, q.v.

Bookie.—A book-maker (turf); one who makes a betting book on sporting

Boot, to put in the.—To kick a prostrate foe.

Boss.—Master, employer.

Break (to break away, to do a break).—To depart in haste.

Breast up to.—To accost.

Brisket.—The chest.

Brown.—A copper coin.

Brums.—Tawdry finery (From Brummagem—Birmingham).

Buckley's (Chance).—A forlorn hope.

Buck-up.—Cheer up.

Bump.—To m[...]surrender; to give up hope.

Bunk.—To sleep in a “bunk” or rough bed. To do a bunk.—To depart.

Bunnies, to hawk the.—To pe[...]miss the.—To neglect opportunities.

Caboose.—A small dwelling.

Carlton.—A Melbourne Football Team.

Cat, to whip the.—To[...]the milk.

C.B.—Conf1ned to barracks.

Cert.—A certainty; a foregone conclusion.


Chas[...]s life.

Chest, to get it off one's.—To deliver a speech; express one's feelings.

Chew, to chew it over; to chew the rag.—To sulk; to nurse a grievance.

Chiack.—Vulgar banter; coars[...]
Chow.—A native of far Cathay.

Chuck up.—To relinquish. Chuck off—To chaff; to employ sarcasm.

Chump.—A foolish fellow.

Chunk.—A lump; a mass.

Clean.—Completely; utterly.

Click.—A clique; a “push,” q.v.

Cliner.—A young unmarried female.

Clobber.—Raiment; vesture.

C0bber.—A boon companion.

Collect—To receive one's deser[...]—for divers reasons.

Conk.—The nose.

Coot—A person of no account (used contemptuously).

Cop.—To seize; to secure; also s. An avocation, a “job.”

Cop (or Copper).—A police constable.

C0pper-top.—Red head.

Copper show.—A copper mine.

Count, to take the.—In pugilism,[...]counted
seconds, and thus lose the fight.

Cove—A “chap” or “bloke,” q.v. (Gipsy).

Cow.—A thoroughly unworthy, not to say despicable, person, place,
thing, or circumstance. A fair cow.—An utterly obnoxious and otherwise
un[...]e, thing, or circumstance.

Crack.—To smite. s. A blow.

Crack a boo.—To divulge a secret; to betray emotion.

Crack hardy.—To suppress emotion; to endure patiently; to keep a secret.

Cray.—A crayfish.

Crib.—A dwelling.

Croak.—To die.

Crook.—A dishonest or evil person.

Crook.—Unwell; disho[...]h one's schemes or

Crust.—Sustenance; a livelihood.

Cut it out.—Omit it; discontinue it.

Dago.—A native of Southern Europe.

Dash, to do one's.—To reach one's Waterloo.

Date—An appointment.

Dawg (dog).—A contemptible person; ostentation. To put o[...]
behave in an arrogant manner.
Dead.—In a superlative degree; very.
Deal.—To deal it out; to administer punishment, abuse, etc.
Deener.—A shilling (Fr. Denier. Denarius, a Roman silver coin).
Derry.—An aversion; a feud; a dislike.
Dickin.—A term signifying disgust or disbelief.
Dile (dial)[...]e Dinkum Oil.”—The truth.
Dirt.—Opprobrium, a mean speech or action.
Dirty left.—A formidable left fist.
Divvies.—Dividends; profi[...]nd.
Done me luck.—Lost my good fortune.
Dope.—A drug; adulterated liquor. v. To administer drugs.[...]eye.
Douse.—To extinguish (Anglo-Saxon).
Drive a quill.—To write with a pen; to work in an office.
Duck, to do a.—See “break.”
Duds.—Personal apparel (Scotch).
Dunno.—Do not know.
Dutch.—German; any native of Central Europe.
'Eads (Heads).—The authorities;[...]d Serang.—The chief; the leader.
'Eavyweight.—A boxer of the heaviest class.
'Ell-fer-leather.—In extrem[...].
Fade away, to.—To retire; to withdraw.
Fag.—A cigarette.
Fair.—Extreme; positive.
Fair thing.—A wise proceeding; an obvious duty.
Fake.—A swindle; a hoax.
Flnger.—An eccentric or amusing person.
Float, to.—To give up the ghost.
Fluff, a bit of.—A young female person.
Foot (me foot).—A term expressing ridicule.


Frame.—The body.

Frill.—A ffectation.

Funk, to.—To fear; to lose courage.

Furphy.—An idle rumour; a canard.

Galoot.—A simpleton.

Game.—Occupation; scheme; design.

Gawsave.—The National Anthem.

Gazob.—A fool; a blunderer.

Geewhizz.—Exclamation expressing surprise.

Get, to do a.—To retreat hastily.

Gilt.—Money; wealth.

G[...]Gizzard.—The heart.

Glarssy.—The glassy eye; a glance of cold disdain. The Glassey Alley.—
The favourite; the most admired.

Glim.—A light.

Going (while the going is good).— While[...]Goo-goo eyes.—Loving glances.

Gorspil-cove.—A minister of the Gospel.

Graft.— Work.

Grafter.—One who[...]rumble.



Guy.—A foolish fellow.

Guy, to do a.—To retire.


Handies.—A fondling of hands between lovers.

Hang out.—To reside; to last.

Hang-over.—The aftermath of the night before.


Hig[...]to.—To wed.

Hitched.—Entangled in the bonds of holy matrimony.

Hit things up—To behave[...]
Hot.—Excessive, extreme.

Hump, the.—A fit of depression.

Hump, to.—To carry as aa position of supreme importance.

Jab.—To strike smartly.

Jane.—A woman.

Jiff—aA very brief period.

Job, to.—To smite.

Joes.—Melancholy thoughts.

John.—A policeman.

Joint, to jump the.—To assume comma[...]“joint,” ie.,
establishment, situation, place of business.

Jolt, to pass a.—To deliver a short, sharp blow.

Jor.—The jaw.

Jorb (Job).—Avocation; employment.

Josser.—A simple fellow.

Jug.—A prison.


Keeps, for.—For ever; permanently.


Kid.—A child.

Kid, to.—To deceive; to persuade by fla[...].—Pretence.

King Pin.—The leader; the person of chief importance.

Kip.—A small chip used for tossing pennies in the occult game of two-up.

Kipsie.—A house; the home.

Knob.—The head; one in authority.

Knock-down.—A ceremony insisted upon by ladies who decline to be
“picked up”; a formal introduction.

Knock-out drops.—Drugged or impure liquor.

Knock-out punch.—A knock-down blow.

Knut.—A fop; a well-dressed idler.

Lark.—A practical joke; a sportive jest.

Lash.— Violence.

Ledding.—Le[...]Leeuwin.—Cape Leeuwin on the south-west coast of Australia.

Lid.—The hat. To dip the lid[...]
Lob, to.—To arrive.

"Loo.—Woolloomooloo, a part of Sydney.

Lumme.—Love me.

Lurk.—A plan of action; a regular occupation.
Mafeesh.—Finish; I am finished.

Mag.—To scold or talk noisily.

Mallee.—A species of Eucalypt; the country where the Mallee grows.
Mash.—To woo; to pay court. s. A lover.

Maul.—To lay hands upon, either violently or with affection.
Meet, a.—An assignation.

Mill.—A bout of fisticuffs.

Mix.—To mix it; to fight strenuous[...]ppear; to depart suddenly.

Mo.—An abbreviation of “moment.”

Moll.—A woman of loose character.

Moniker.—A name; a title; a signature.

Mooch.—To saunter about aimlessly.[...]name is.—i.e., I am utterly discredited.
Mug.—A fool; also the mouth.

Mug, to.—To kiss.

Mullock, to poke.—To deride; to tease.

Nark.—-s. A spoil-sport; a churlish fellow.

Nark, to.—To annoy; to foil.[...]ck.—Physical condition; good health.

Nipper.—A small boy.

Nose around, to.—To seek out[...]
Oopizootics.—An undiagnosed complaint.

Orfis (office).—A warning; a word of advice; a hint.

Oricle (oracle), to work the.—To secure[...]ured hose.

Out, to.—To render unconscious with a blow.

Out, all.—Quite exhausted; fully extende[...]send to the.—To relegate to obscurity.

Pal.—A friend; a mate (Gipsy).

Pard.—A partner; a mate.

Pass (pass 'im one).—To deliver a blow.

Pat, on one's.—Alone; single-handed.

Peach.—A desirable young woman; “fresh as a peach.”

Peb (pebble).—A flash fellow; a “larrikin.”

Phiz.—The face.

Pick at.—To[...]oy.

Pick-up, to.—To dispense with the ceremony of a “knock-down” or

Pilot Cove.—A clergyman.

Pile it on.—To rant; to exaggerate.

Pinch.—To steal; to place under arrest.

Pip.—A fit of depression.

Pitch a tale.—To trump up an excuse; to weave a romance.

Plant.—To bury.

Plug.—To smite wit[...]y.

Plunk.—An exclamation expressing the impact of a blow.

Podgy.—Fat; plump.

Point.—The region of the jaw; much sought after by pugilists.

Point,[...]r, fear, etc.; also, disappeared,

Pot, a.—A considerable amount; as a “pot of money.”

Pot, the old.—The male parent (from[...]d pot and
pan’”—the “old man.”

Prad.—A horse.

Pug.—A pugilist.

Pull, to take a.—To desist; to discontinue.

Punch a cow.—To conduct a team of oxen.

Punter.—The natural prey of a “bookie,” q.v.

Push.—A company of rowdy fellows gathered together for ungentle
[...]ueer the pitch.—To frustrate; to fool.

Quid.—A sovereign, or pound sterling.


Rabbit, to run the.—To convey liquor from a public-house.

Rag, to chew the.—To grieve; to brood.

Rag, to sky the.—To throw a towel into the air in token of surrender

Rain, to keep out of the.—To avoid danger; to act with caution.

Rat.—A street urchin; a wharf loafer.

Rattled.—Excited; confused.

Red 'ot.— Extreme; out-and-out.

Registry.—The office of a Registrar.

Ribuck.—Correct, genuine; an interj[...]led.—Roused to anger.

Ring, the——The arena of a prize-fight.

Ring, the dead.—A remarkable likeness.

Rise, a.—An accession of fortune; an improvement.

Rocks.—A locality in Sydney.

Rorty.—Boisterous; rowdy.[...].—To upbraid with many words.

'Roy.—Fitzroy, a suburb of Melbourne; its football team.

Run against.—To meet more or less unexpectedly.

Saints.—A football team of St Kilda, Victoria.

Sandy blight.—Ophthalmia.

Savvy.—Common-sense; shrewdness.

School.—A club; a clique of gamblers, or others.



Shicker.—Intoxicating liquor.

Shinty.—A game resembling hockey.

Shook.—Stolen; disturb[...].—In perfect order; satisfactory.

Skirt or bit of skirt—A female.

Skite——To boast. Skiter.—A boaster.
Sky the wipe.—See “rag.”

Slab.—A portion; a tall, awkward fellow.
Slanter.—Spurious; unfair[...]n haste.
Sloppy.—Lachrymose; maudlin.
Slushy.—A toiler in a scullery.
Smooge.—To flatter or fawn; to bill and coo.
Smooger.—A sycophant; a courtier.
Snag.—Aof no account.

Snob.—A bootmaker.

Snout.—To bear a grudge.
Snouted.—Treated with disfavour.

Solid.—Severe; severely.

So-long.—A form of farewell.

Sool.—To attack; to urge on.

Soot, leadin'.—A chief attribute.

Sore, to get—To become aggrieved.
Sore-head.—A curmudgeon.

Sour, to turn, or get.—To become p[...]nted.
Spank.—To chastise maternal-wise.
Spar.—A gentle bout of fisticuffs.

Spare me days.—Aa speech, as a showman.
Square.—Upright, honest.

Square an' all.—Of a truth; verily.
Squiz.—A brief glance.
Stiffened.—Bought over.

Stiff-un.—A corpse.

Stoke.—To nourish; to eat.

Stop a pot.—To quaff ale.

Stoush.—To punch with the[...]old.—An ungentle embrace in wrestling.
Strength of it.—The truth of it; the value of it.
Stretch, to do a.—To serve a term of imprisonment.
Strike.—The innocuous remnant of a hardy curse.
Strike.—To discover; to meet.

Str[...]h.—An emaciated oath.


Stunt.—A performance; a tale.

Swad, Swaddy.—A private soldier.
Swank.—Affectation; ostentatio[...]o exchange.

Swell.—An exalted person.

Swig.—A draught of water or other liquid.
Tabbie.—A female.

Take 'em on.—Engage them in battle.

Take it out.—To undergo imprisonment in lieu of a fine.
Tart.—A young woman (contraction of sweetheart).
Tenner.—A ten-pound note.

Time, to do.—To serve a term in prison.

Time, to have no time for.—To[...]ur.
Tip.—To forecast; to give; to warn.

Tip.—A warning; a prognostication; a hint.
Tipple.—Strong drink; to indulge in stron[...]son.



Tom.—A girl.


Took—Arrested; apprehended.

Top, off one's.—Out of one's mind.

Top off, to.—To knock down;[...]
[...]mode; fashion.
Tough.—Unfortunate; hardy; also a “tug,” q.v.
Tough luck.—Misfortune.

Track with.—To woo; to “go walking with.”
Treat, a.—Excessively; abundantly.

Tucked away.—Interred.

Tug.—An uncouth fellow; a hardy rogue.
Tumble to, or to take a tumble.—To comprehend suddenly.
Turkey, head ov[...]els.

Turn down.—To reject; dismiss.

Turn, out of one's.—Impertinently; uninvited.
Twig.—To observe; to espy.

Two-up School.—A gambling den.
Umpty.—An indefinite numer[...]


The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke
Dennis, C. J. (1876-1938)

A digital text sponsored by
Australian Literature Electronic Gateway

University of Sydney Library

Sydney, Au[...]
© University of Sydney Library. The texts and images are not to b[...]tis australian etexts poetry 1910-1939

The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke
by Author of “Backblock Ballads and Other Verses”[...]
MY young friend Dennis has honoured me with a request to write a preface to
his book. I think a man can best write a preface to his own book, provided he
knows it is good. Also if he knows it is bad.
The Sentimental Bloke, while running through the Bulletin, brightened u[...]enno. Take the first poem for instance, where the Sentimental Bloke gets the
hump. How many men, in how many different parts of the world—and of how
many different languages—have had the same[...]—to be something better?
The exquisite humour of The Sentimental Bloke speaks for itself; but there's a
danger that its brilliance may obscure the rest, especially for minds, of all stations,
that, apart from sport and racing,[...]ethink”
in this social “pickle found-ery” of ours.
Doreen stands for all good women,[...]

I. A SPRING SONG The world 'as got me snouted jist a treat; . . . 13
II. THE I[...]33
V. THE PLAY “Wot's in a name?” she sez . . . An' then she sighs, . . . 39
VI. THE STROR 'AT COOT Ar, wimmin! Wot a blinded fool I've been! . . . 47
VII. THE SIREN She sung a song, an' I sat silent there, . . .[...]“'Er pore dear Par,” she sez, “'e kept a store”; . . . 63
IX. PILOT CO[...]My son! . . . Them words, jist like a blessed song, . . . 101
I. A Spring Song
A Spring Song
THE world 'as got me snouted jist a treat;
Crool Forchin's dirty left 'as smote me[...]to let loose on somethin' rash. . . .
Aw, I'm a chump!
I know it; but this blimed ole Springtime[...]ves is shootin' on the trees,
The air is like a long, cool swig o' beer,
The bonzer smell o' flow[...],
Jist moochin' round like some pore, barmy coot,
Of 'ope, an' joy, an' forchin destichoot.

I've lors[...]r 'eadin' browns; I 'aven't got the 'eart
To word a tom; an', square an' all, I'm sick
Of that cheap tart
'Oo chucks 'er carkis at a feller's 'ead
An' mauls 'im . . . Ar! I wish't th[...]s chirpin' 'igh the 'ole day long;
An' on the air a sad, sweet music breaves
A bonzer song—
A mournful sorter choon thet gits a bloke
Fair in the brisket 'ere, an' makes 'im choke . . .

What is the matter wiv me? . . . I dunno.
I got a sorter yearnin' 'ere inside,
A dead-crook sorter thing that won't let go
Or be denied—
A feelin' like I want to do a break,
An' stoush creation for some woman's sake.[...]chirpin' in the nest,
The parks an' gardings is a bosker sight,
Where smilin' tarts walks up[...]
But, seems to me, I'm kind er lookin' for
A tart I knoo a 'undred years ago,
Or, maybe, more.
Wot's this[...]tart! . . . An', bli'me, look at me!
Jist take a squiz at this, an' tell me can
Some square an' ho[...]' doing in me gilt.
Tough luck! I s'pose it's 'ow a man is built.

It's 'ow Gawd builds a bloke; but don't it 'urt
When 'e gits yearnin's fer[...]Wot wus I slung 'ere for? An' wot's the good
Of yearnin' after any ideel tart? . . .
Ar, if a bloke wus only understood!
'E's got a 'eart:
'E's got a soul inside 'im, poor or rich.
But wot's the use,[...]l'd 'is pitch?

I tells meself some day I'll take a pull
An' look eround fer some good, stiddy job,
An' cut the push fer good an' all; I'm full
Of that crook mob!
An', in some Spring the fu[...]
[...]little birds is chantin' lovers' lays;
The music of the sorft an' barmy breeze. . . .
[...]' days!
You could er knocked me down wiv 'arf a brick!
Yes, me, that kids meself I know their ways,
An' 'as a name for smoogin' in our click!
I just lines up a[...]trike! The way she piled on dawg! Yer'd think
A bloke was givin' back-chat to the Queen. . . .
'[...]same ole way—
An' sez, “Wot O! It's been a bonzer day.
'Ow is it fer a walk?” . . . Oh, 'oly wars!
The sorter look she[...]t becors
I tried to chat 'er, like you'd make a start
Wiv any tart.

An' I kin take me oaf[...]ht,
An' never tried to maul 'er, or to do
A thing yeh might call crook. Ter tell yeh true,
I[...]I sighted 'er in Little Bourke,
Where she was in a job. I found 'er lurk
Wus pastin' labels in a pickle joint,
A game that—any'ow, that ain't the point.
Once mo[...]in the street,
But, bli'me! Did she turn me down a treat!
The way she tossed 'er 'ead an' swished 'er skirt!
Oh, it wus dirt!
A squarer tom, I swear, I never seen,
In all me nat[...]t no guyver neither; fer I knoo
That any other bloke 'ad Buckley's 'oo
Tried fer to pick 'er up. Yes,[...]Thinks I, “I'm out er luck,”
An' done a duck.
Well, I dunno. It's that way wiv a bloke.
If she'd ha' breasted up ter me an' spoke,
I'd thort 'er jist a commin bit er fluff,
An' then fergot about 'e[...]n 'ammer-lock;
An' lose yer block.

I know a bloke 'oo knows a bloke 'oo toils
In that same pickle found-ery. ('E boil[...]y,
I gives me pal the orfis fer to say
'E 'as a sister in the trade 'oo's been
Out uv a jorb, an' wants ter meet Doreen;
Then we kin[...]truth, I ain't recovered frum it yet!
'Twas on a Saturdee, in Colluns Street,
An'—quite by ac[...]'e trots 'er up an' does the toff—
'E allus wus a bloke fer showin' off.
“This 'ere's Doreen,” 'e[...]e, I 'ad nothin' more ter say!
I couldn't speak a word, or meet 'er eye.
Clean done me block! I never been so shy,
Not since I was a tiny little cub,
An' run the rabbit to the corner[...]an' torked an' larft,
An' chucked orf at 'em like a phonergraft!
Gorstrooth! I seemed to lose me pow'r o' speech.
But, 'er! Oh, strike me pink! She is a peach!
The sweetest in the barrer! Spare me days,[...]An' tried ter play at 'andies in the park,
A thing she wouldn't sight. Aw, it's a nark!
I gotter swear when I think wot a mug
I must ‘a’ seemed to 'er. But still I 'ug
That promise[...]days drag by
On ledding feet. I wish't they'd do a guy.
I dunno 'ow I'ad the nerve ter speak,
An[...]v 'er fer Sundee week!
But strike! It's funny wot a bloke'll do
When 'e's all out. . . . She's gorn, when I[...]at smoogin' game!
An' so I ort; fer ain't I known a few?
Yet some'ow . . . I dunno. It ain[...]
[...]n' 'ow they've flown—
Flown like the smoke of some inchanted fag;
Since dear Doreen, the swe[...]me sky the rag.
An' ev'ry golding day floats o'er a chap
Like a glad dream of some celeschil scrap.

Refreshed wiv sleep Day to[...]gers in the East, chock-full o' skite;
Then spars a bit, an' plugs Night on the point.
Out go the sta[...]'as jumped the joint.

The sun looks up, an' wiv a cautious stare,
Like some crook keekin' o'er a winder sill
To make dead cert'in everythink is sq[...]'er an Eastern 'ill,
Then rises, wiv 'is dial all a-grin,
An' sez, “'Ooray! I knoo that we could win!”

Sure of 'is title then, the champeen Day
Begins to put[...]tures clamour at 'is feet
Until 'e thinks 'imself a little gawd,
An' swaggers on an' kids 'imself a treat.
The w'ile the lurkin' barrackers o' Night[...]pace
'Otly demandin' terms, an' time, an' place.

A w'ile the champeen scorns to make reply;[...]
[...]acks an' fills, becos
'E doesn't feel the Boshter Bloke 'e was.

Time does a bunk as us-u-al, nor stays
A single instant, e'en at Day's be'est.
Alas, the '[...]rimly on the quakin' Day,
Whose noisy push, shorn of their 'igh-noon 'opes,
Wait, 'ushed an' anxious, fer the comin' fray.
And many lusty barrackers of noon
Desert 'im one by one—traitors so soon!

'[...]on the stage,
An' narked, the sun, 'is backer, in a huff,
Sneaks outer sight, red in the face wiv[...]bats come out to mock the fallin' King.
Now, wiv a jolt, Night spreads 'im on the floor,
An' all the west grows ruddy wiv 'is gore.

A single, vulgar star leers from the sky
An' in[...]ight's conkerbine, comes glidin' by
An' laughs a 'eartless, silvery “Ha-ha!”
Scorned, b[...]
The commin end of most of us is—Tart.
[...]Its gentle sorter tone,
Like soft dream-music of some Dago band.
An' me all out; an' 'oldin' in me[...]moon; such boshter eyes!
An' when they sight a bloke . . . O, spare me days!
'E goes all loose inside;[...]l ashamed uv wot 'e's been
To look inter the eyes of my Doreen.

The wet sands glistened, an' the gleamin' moon
Shone yeller on the sea, all streakin' down.
A band was playin' some soft, dreamy choon;
A[...]'t yeh meant it.” 'Struth! And did I, fair?
A bloke 'ud be a dawg to kid a skirt
Like 'er. An' me well knowin' she was squar[...]e knoo. I've done me block in on 'er, straight.
A cove 'as got to think some time in life
An' get s[...]ate,
To be 'is wife.
But, Gawd! 'Oo would ‘a’ thort it could ‘a’ been
My luck to strike the likes of 'er? . . . Doreen!

Aw, I can stand their chuckin[...]take 'em on.
The dawgs! But it gets that way wiv a man
When 'e's fair gone.
[...]o stoush; an' so I 'ave to take
Their mag, an' do a duck fer 'er sweet sake.

Fer 'er sweet sake I've[...]ubs an' schools an' all that leery game.
Fer when a bloke 'as come to know Doreen,
It ain't the same.[...]I sorter felt
That bosker feelin' that comes o'er a bloke,
An' makes 'im melt;
Makes 'im all 'ot to m[...]li'me? but it's love!

That's wot it is. An' when a man 'as grown
Like that 'e gets a sorter yearn inside
To be a little 'ero on 'is own;
An' see the pride
Glow in the eyes of 'er 'e calls 'is queen;
An' 'ear 'er say 'e is a shine champeen.

“I wish't yeh meant it,” I c[...]urnin' the waves all yeller where it set—
A bonzer night!
The sparklin' sea all sorter[...]
The Play
“WOT'S in a name?” she sez . . . An' then she sighs,
An' clasps 'er little 'ands, an' rolls 'er eyes.
A rose,” she sez, “be any other name
Would smel[...]nge yer moniker!”

Doreen an' me, we bin to see a show—
The swell two-dollar touch. Bong tong, yeh know.
A chair apiece wiv velvit on the seat;
A slap-up treat.
The drarmer's writ be Shakespeare, years ago,
About a barmy goat called Romeo.

“Lady, be yonder moon[...]climbs up on the balkiney;
An' there they smooge a treat, wiv pretty words
Like two love-birds.
I nu[...]is shinin'; an' I squeeze 'er 'and.

“Wot's in a name?” she sez. 'Struth, I dunno.
Billo is just[...]s never count . . . But ar, I like “Doreen!”

A sweeter, dearer sound I never 'eard;
Ther's music[...]to say
About the play?
I'm off me beat. But when a bloke's in love
'Is thorts turns 'er way, like a ‘omin’ dove.

This Romeo 'e's lurkin' wiv a crew—
A dead tough crowd o' crooks—called Montague.
'Is[...]hey fights wiv skewers 'stid o' bricks.

Wot's in a name? Wot's in a string o' words?
They scraps in ole Verona wiv the'r swords,
An' never give a bloke a stray dog's chance,
An' that's Romance.
bloke will do the trick
Wiv Ginger Mick,
Of Spadger's Lane. 'E'll be a Romeo,
When 'e's bin dead five 'undred years or s[...]ng that crowd o' mine no lip;
An' if you run agin a Capulet,
Jist do a get.”
'E swears 'e's done wiv lash; 'e'll chuck[...]e,
An' then she'd sigh
“Ow, Ro-me-o!” an' git a strangle-holt,
An' 'ang around 'im like she feared 'e'd bolt.

Nex' day 'e words a gorspil cove about
A secret weddin'; an' they plan it out.
'E spouts a piece about 'ow 'e's bewitched:
Then they git 'it[...]yet 'e lets 'er slip!

Ar! but 'e makes me sick! A fair gazob!
'E's jist the glarsey on the soulful sob,
'E'll sigh and spruik, an' 'owl a love-sick vow—
(The silly cow!)
But when 'e's g[...]tries to kid it's Fate.

Aw! Fate me foot! Instid of slopin' soon
As 'e was wed, off on 'is 'oneymoon,[...].
They look fer trouble; an' it's wot they gets.

A tug named Tyball (cousin to the skirt)
Sprags 'em an' makes a start to sling off dirt.
Nex' minnit there's a reel ole ding-dong go—
'Arf round or so.[...]
[...]as 'ell.
“It's me or you!” 'e 'owls, an' wiv a yell,
Plunks Tyball through the gizzard wiv 'is s[...]An' nose around until 'e gits blue funk
An' does a bunk.
They wants 'is tart to wed some other guy.[...]wish that I could die!”

Now, this 'ere gorspil bloke's a fair shrewd 'ead.
Sez 'e “I'll dope yeh, so they'll think yer dead.”
(I tips 'e was a cunnin' sort, wot knoo
A thing or two.)
She takes 'is knock-out drops, up[...]n' plant 'er in 'er tomb.

Then things gits mixed a treat an' starts to whirl.
'Ere's Romeo comes bac[...]ked in 'er little coffing, cold an' stiff,
An' in a jiff,
'E swallows lysol, throws a fancy fit,
'Ead over turkey, an' 'is soul 'as fli[...]e,” she sez, “I cannot live alone!”
An' wiv a moan,
She grabs 'is pockit knife, an' ends 'er cares . . .
“Peanuts or lollies!” sez a boy upstairs.
The Stror 'at Coot
AR, wimmin! Wot a blinded fool I've been!
I arsts meself, wot e[...]Doreen,
An' now me 'eart is broke, me life's a wreck!
The dreams I dreamed, the dilly thorts I thunk
Is up the pole, an' joy 'as done a bunk.

Wimmin! O strike! I orter known the game![...]ch fer all me mortal days.

They're all the same! A man 'as got to be
Stric' master if 'e wants to snare 'em sure.
'E 'as to take a stand an' let 'em see
That triflin' is a thing 'e won't indure.
'E wants to show 'em that 'e 'olds command,
So they will smooge an' feed out of 'is 'and.

'E needs to make 'em feel 'e is the bo[...]eir pretty ways is crook pretence
Is plain to any bloke wiv common-sense.

But when the birds is nestin'[...]is name is Mud.
She plays wiv 'im an' kids 'im on a treat,
Until she 'as 'im crawlin' at 'er feet.

A[...]im good an' 'ad 'er fun,
She slings 'im over like a carst-orf glove,
To let the other tart[...]
I wus content to make of 'er a queen;
An' so she seemed them days . . . O, 'stru[...]essed close to mine,
Me lonely life seemed robbed of all its care;
I dreams me dreams, an' 'ope beg[...]I ain't jealous! Spare me days!
Me? Jealous uv a knock-kneed coot like that!
'Im! Wiv 'is cute stror 'at an' pretty ways!
I'd be a mug to squeal or whip the cat.
I'm glad, I am—g[...]No, I ain't jealous—but—Ar, I dunno!

I took a derry on this stror 'at coot
First time I see[...]ddy tie an' Yankee soot,
Ferever yappin' like a tork-machine
About “The Hoffis” where 'e 'ad a grip. . . .
The way 'e smiled at 'er give me the[...]im, when I promised fair
To chuck it, even to a friendly spar.
Stoushed 'im! I never roughed 'is[...]I only spanked 'im gentle, fer 'is mar.
If I'd ‘a’ jabbed 'im once, there would ‘a’ been
An inquest; an' I sez so to Doreen.

I mi[...]I met 'im on the quiet,
An' worded 'im about a small affair;
An' when 'e won't put up 'is[...]
An' smacks 'im 'earty, like a naughty boy.

An' now Doreen she sez I've broke m[...]“wounded pride.”
An' then, o' course, we 'as a ding-dong row,
Wiv 'ot an' stormy words on eith[...]parts fer ever—'er an' me.

Me jealous? Jealous of that cross-eyed cow!
I set 'im 'cos I couldn'[...]I couldn't stand 'im 'angin' round 'er place.
A coot like that! . . . But it don't matter much,
S[...]at any woman's beck an' call.

Wimmin! I've took a tumble to their game.
I've got the 'ole bang tr[...]y are all the same:
Crook to the core the bunch of 'em—an' yet
We could ‘a’ been that 'appy, 'er an' me . . .
But, wot's it matter? Ain't I glad I'm free?

A bloke wiv commin-sense 'as got to own
There's little[...]ring,
An' when the tender leaves begin to bud,
A feelin' comes—a dilly sorter thing—
That seems to sorter swamp 'im like a flood.
An' when the fever 'ere inside 'im burns,[...]stirs;
An' often, when I'm moonin' 'ere alone,
A lispin' maid, wiv 'air an' eyes like 'ers,[...]
I sorter see a little 'ouse, it seems,
Wiv someone waitin' f[...]she was wrong.

To call 'er back I'll never lift a 'and;
She'll never 'ear frum me by word[...]
The Siren
SHE sung a song; an' I sat silent there,
Wiv bofe 'ands gr[...]at yesterdee I thort wus broke
Wiv 'umpin' sich a 'eavy load o' care,
Come swellin' in me thro[...]music in the sof'ly rustlin' leaves.
An' when a bloke sits down an' starts to chew
Crook thorts, wivout[...]r winded wiv the 'eavy sighs 'e 'eaves.

She sung a song; an' orl at once I seen
The kind o' crool an' 'eartless broot I been.
In ev'ry word I read it like a book—
The slanter game I'd played wiv my Doreen[...]heir own crool 'earts is leather-tough.

She sung a song; an' orl them bitter things
That chewin' over lovers' quarrils brings
Guv place to thorts of sorrer an' remorse.
Like when some dilly punter g[...]them vain regrets wot 'urts an' stings.

'Twas at a beano where I lobs along
To drown them memories o[...]pair!
'Er look o' scorn! . . . An' then, she sung a song.

The choon was one o' them sad, mournful th[...]and brings
Tears to yer eyes. The words was uv a tart
'Oo's trackin' wiv a silly coot 'oo slings
[...]was the way she sings.

To 'ear 'er voice! . . . A bloke 'ud be a log
'Oo kep' 'is block. Me mind wus in a fog
Of sorrer for to think 'ow I wus wrong;
Ar, I 'ave been a fair ungrateful 'og!
The feelin' that she put into that song
'Ud melt the 'eart-strings of a chiner dog.

I listens wiv me 'eart up in me thro[...]e pleadin' look she gave
Fair in me face 'ud melt a 'eart o' wood.

I dunno 'ow I seen that evenin' t[...]dooty, wot I 'ad to do.
O, strike! I could ‘a’ blubbed before 'em all!
But I sat tight, an' never cracked a boo.

An' when at larst the tarts they makes a rise,
A lop-eared coot wiv 'air down to 'is eyes
'E 'o[...]never takes no 'eed;
Jist stares before 'er like a startled bird.

I tells 'er, never can no uvver t[...]ave to part.
I tells 'er that me life will be a wreck.
It ain't no go. But when I makes a start
To walk away, 'er arms is roun' me neck.
[...]imes, I s'pose, to uvver men—
When you 'ave 'ad a reel ole ding-dong row,
Say, ain't it bonzer m[...]n?
Straight wire, it's almost worth . . . Ar, I'm a cow!

To think I'd ever seek to 'arm a 'air
Of 'er dear 'ead agen! My oath, I swear
No more I[...]ain't no angel, Kid,” she says.
“I'm jist a woman, an' I loves yeh true!
An' so I'll love yeh all me mortal days!”

She sung a song. . . . 'Ere, in me barmy style,
I sets orl tarts; for in me hour o' trile
Me soul was withered be a woman's frown,
An' broodin' care come roostin' on me dile.
She sung a song. . . . Me 'eart, wiv woe carst down,
Wus raised to 'Eaven be a woman's smile.
'ER pore dear Par,” she sez, “'e kept a store”;
An' then she weeps an' stares 'ard a[...]. 'E'd no faults ixcept
'Im fallin' 'eavy orf a load o' charf
W'ich—killed 'im—on the—” '[...]t.

She blows 'er nose an' sniffs. “'E would ‘a’ made”
She sez “a lot of money in the trade.
But, 'im took orf so sudd[...]life insurince paid.

“To think,” she sez, “a child o' mine should be
Rejuiced to workin' in a factory!
If 'er pore Par 'e 'adn't died,” she sobs . . .
I sez, “It wus a bit o' luck for me.”

Then I gits red as 'ell,[...]I made me first deboo.
I'd dodged it cunnin' fer a month or two.
Doreen she sez, “You'll 'ave[...]seen it thro'.

I'd pictered some stern female in a cap
Wot puts the fear o' Gawd into a chap.
An' 'ere she wus, aweepin' in 'er tea
An' drippin' moistcher like a leaky tap.

Two dilly sorter dawgs made outer del[...]p regardless, fer this interview.
Stiff shirt, a Yankee soot split up the back,
A tie wiv yeller spots an' stripes o' blue.[...]
[...]alwus 'ad our bite and sup.
Doreen's been sich a help; she 'as indeed.
Some more tea, Willy? 'Ave another cup.”

Willy! O 'ell! 'Ere wus a flamin' pill!
A moniker that alwus makes me ill.
“If it's t[...]mum,” I replies
“I answer quicker to the name of Bill.”

Up goes 'er 'ands an' eyes, “That vul[...]e me son-in-lor;
So, Willy, come an' give yer Mar a kiss.”

I done it. Tho' I dunno 'ow I did.
“D[...]they looked at me she seemed to say
“I'm proud of 'im, I am, an' 'e is mine.”

There wus a sorter glimmer in 'er eye,
An 'appy, nervis look,[...]e.

An' then when Mar-in-lor an' me began
To tork of 'ouse'old things an' scheme an' plan,
A sudden thort fair jolts me where I live:
“These is my wimmin folk! An' I'm a man!”

It's wot they calls responsibility.
All of a 'eap that feelin' come to me;
An' somew'ere in me 'ead I seemed to feel
A sneakin' sort o' wish that I was free.

'Ere's me 'oo never took no 'eed o' life,
Investin' in a mar-in-lor an' wife:
Someone to battle[...]

“ 'Er pore dead Par,” she sez, an' gulps a sob.
An' then I tells 'er 'ow I got a job,
As storeman down at Jones' printin' joint,
A decent sorter cop at fifty bob.

Then things get[...]' she gits suddin soft and tender-like,
An' cries a bit, when we parts at the gate.

An' as I'm moochin' 'omeward frum the car
A suddin notion stops me wiv a jar—
Wot if Doreen, I thinks, should grow to be,
A fat ole weepin' willer like 'er Mar!

O, 'struth! It won't bear thinkin' of! It's crook!
An' I'm a mean, unfeelin' dawg to look
At things like that. Doreen's Doreen to me,
The sweetest peach on w'ich a man wus shook.

'Er “pore dear Par” . . . I s[...]in 'is way.
An' wed an' took 'is chances like a man—
But, Gawd, this splicin' racket ain't all play.

Love is a gamble, an' there ain't no certs.
Some day[...]
[...]out the registry—
O 'oly wars! yeh should ‘a’ seen 'er stare;
“The registry?” she sez, “I wouldn't dare!
I know a clergyman we'll go an' see” . . .
“Young[...]sez. An' then 'e chats me straight;
An' spouts of death, an' 'ell, an' mortal sins.
“You reckerni[...]ez.

“Young friend,” 'e sez. An' then 'e mags a lot
Of jooty an' the spiritchuil life,
To which I didn't tumble worth a jot.
“I'm sure,” 'e sez, “as you will 'ave a wife
'Oo'll 'ave aa 'undreth part so dear
As 'er. She 'as me[...]
[...]I kin but recall wiv tears an' sighs
The lives of some I've seen in marridge gived.”
“My Gawd!” I sez. “I'll strive as no bloke strivved!
Fer don't I know I've copped a bonzer prize?”
“Young friend,” 'e sez[...]. An' in 'is gentle way,
'E pats the shoulder of my dear Doreen.
“I've solem'ized grand weddin's[...]end,” 'e sez.

“Young friend,” 'e sez . . . A queer ole pilot bloke,
Wiv silver 'air. The gentle way 'e dealt
Wiv[...]an' kindly way 'e spoke
To my Doreen, 'ud make a statcher melt.
I tell yer, square an' all, I sorter felt
A kiddish kind o' feelin' like I'd choke . .[...]
[...]sez, “I will.”

“I will,” I sez. An' tho' a joyful shout
Come from me bustin' 'eart—I kn[...]mangled comin' out,
An' makes me whisper like a frightened kid.
“I will,” I squeaks. An' I'd ‘a’ give a quid
To 'ad it on the quite, wivout this fuss,[...]wd that Mar 'ad bid
To see this solim hitchin' up of us.

“Fer—rich-er—er—fer—por-er.” So[...]puttin' on our brands—
This white-'aired pilot-bloke—but gives it lip,
Dressed in 'is little shir[...]fs it out.
“I will!” 'e 'owls; an' fetches me a kick.
“Your turn to chin!” 'e tips wiv a shout.
An' there I'm standin' like a gawky lout.
(Aw, spare me! But I seemed to be all[...]An' wonders wot 'e's goin' crook about,
Wiv 'arf a mind to crack 'im where 'e stands.
O, lumme! But ole Ginger was a trick!
Got up regardless fer the solim rite.[...]s, does Mick)
An' twice I saw 'im feelin' fer a light
To start a fag; an' trembles lest 'e might,
Thro' for[...]
[...]s two uncles' wives, an' Cousin Lil,
An' 'arf a dozen more to grin and stare.
I couldn't make[...]afore the Beak!
But my Doreen she never turns a 'air,
Nor misses once when it's 'er turn to speak.

Ar, strike! No more swell marridges fer me!
It seems a blinded year afore 'e's done.
We could ‘a’ fixed it in the registree
Twice over 'fore[...]takes the bloomin' bun,
This stylish splicin' uv a bloke an' skirt.

“To—be—yer—weddid—wife—” Aw, take a pull!
Wot in the 'ell's 'e think I come there[...]wls an' drones until I'm full,
An' wants to do a duck clean out the door.
An' yet, fer orl 'is 'igh-falutin' jor,
Ole Snowy wus a reel good-meanin' bloke.
If 'twasn't fer the 'oly look 'e wore
Yeh'd think 'e piled it on jist fer a joke.

An', when at last 'e shuts 'is little book,
I 'eaves a sigh that nearly bust me vest.
But 'Eavens! Now '[...]anly chest!
(I wish she'd give them water-works a rest.)
“My little girl!” she 'owls. “O, tre[...]hook,” I nearly sez. Oh, 'ell!

An' then we 'as a beano up at Mar's—
A slap-up feed, wiv wine an' two big geese.
Doreen[...]hed their blessed yap would cease!
The Parson-bloke 'e speaks a little piece,
That makes me blush an' 'ang me sil[...]r the things 'e said.

'E sez Doreen an' me is in a boat,
An' sailin' on the matrimonial s[...]
[...]s to weepin' in 'er tea;
An' Auntie Liz sobs like a winded colt;
An' Cousin Lil comes 'round an' kisses me;
Until I feel I'll 'ave to do a bolt.

Then Ginger gits end-up an' makes a speech—
('E'd 'ad a couple, but 'e wasn't shick.)
“My cobber 'ere,” 'e sez, “ 'as copped a peach!
Of orl the barrer-load she is the pick!
I 'opes 'e w[...]re honey-moonin' down beside the Bay.)
I gives a 'arf a dollar to the man
Wot drives the cab; an' like[...]e ran
To ketch the train—Ah, strike! I could ‘a’ flown!
We gets the carridge right agen the[...]grown
Inside me 'ere that makes me feel I own
A thing so tender like I fear to squeeze
Too 'ard fer fear she'll break . . . Then, wiv a groan
I starts to 'ear a coot call, “Tickets, please!”

You could ‘a’ outed me right on the spot!
I wus so rattl[...]forgot!
But 'e jist laughs, an' takes it fer a joke.
“We must ixcuse,” 'e sez, “new-ma[...]red. . . .
It shows 'ow married life improves a bloke:
If I'd bin single I'd ‘a’ punched 'is head!
[...]an' looked at me an' never stirred.
I could ‘a’ bluffed it out if she 'ad been
Fair narked, an[...]Is chucked away!”
If she 'ad bashed me I'd 'a felt no 'urt!
But 'ere she treats me like—like I wus dirt.

'Ow is a man to guard agen that look?
Fer other wimmin, when the'r blokes go crook,
An' lobs 'ome wiv the wages uv a jag,

They smashes things an' carries on a treat
An' 'owls an' scolds an' wakes the bloomin'[...]Doreen!
Fond dreams 'as flit;
Love's done a bunk, an' joy is up the pole;
An' shame an' sorre[...]n yeh keep one down?”
I sez I can.
We 'as a couple; then meets three er four
Flash cov[...]
“ 'Ow are yeh on a little gamble, Kid?”
Sez Ginger Mick. “Lars'[...]hinks, “Why not?
An' buy 'er presents if I wins a pot?
A blazin' fool
I wus. Fer 'arf a mo' I 'as a fight;
Then conscience skies the wipe . . . Sez I[...]'s in pawn.
My flamin' sins
They 'its me in a 'cap right where I live:
Fer I 'ave broke the sol[...]speaks, it seems she never 'eard.
I could ‘a’ sung a nim, I feels so gay!
If she 'ad only roused I might ‘a’ smiled.
She jist seems 'urt an' crushed; not e[...]ot made me go an' do this thing?
I feel jist like a chewed up bit of string,
An' rotten mean!
Fer 'arf an hour[...],
An' sees 'er standin' there beside the bed;
A basin in 'er 'ands; an' in 'er eyes—
[...]s! It was beef tea!

Beef tea! She treats me like a hinvaleed!
Me! that 'as caused 'er lovin' 'eart to bleed.
It 'urts me worse than maggin' fer a week!
'Er! 'oo 'ad right to turn dead sour on me,[...]I did—
I 'ides me face . . . an' blubbers like a kid.
[...]o time fer wasters, lad,” sez 'e,
“Give me a man wiv grit,” sez Uncle Jim.
'E bores 'is cute[...]'e sez, “I likes yer ugly phiz.”

“You got a look,” 'e sez, “like you could stay;
Altho'[...]t no grammarist meself, per'aps,
But langwidge is a 'elp, I owns,” sez Unk,
“When things is goin'[...]” 'e sez, “to knuckle down
Good farmin' is a gift—like spoutin' slang.
Yeh'll 'ave to cut the luxuries o' town,
An' chuck the manners of this back-street gang;
For country life ain't cig[...]v them joys I 'eld most dear;
I've sent the leery bloke that bore me name
Clean to the pack wivout one pearly tear;
An' frum the ashes of a ne'er-do-well
A bloomin' farmer's blossomin' like 'ell.

I've gripped the plough; and blistered jist a treat.
Doreen an' me 'as gone upon the lan[...]
An' there's a secret, whispered in the dark,
'As made me 'eart sing like a flamin' lark.

Jist let me tell yeh 'ow it come about.
The things that I've been thro' 'ud fill a book.
Right frum me birf Fate played to knock me[...]We done poor Muvver proud when she went out—
A slap-up send-orf, trimmed wiv tears an' crape.
An[...]eeks Doreen she mopes about,
An' life takes on a gloomy sorter shape.
I watch 'er face git pale, '[...]m;
Till—like some 'airy angel—comes ole Jim.

A cherub togged in sunburn an' a beard
An' duds that shouted “ 'Ayseed!” fer a mile:
Care took the count the minute 'e appeared,[...]er's wife.
Somethin' like that. In less than 'arf a day
It seemed 'e'd been my uncle orl me life.[...]s that ugly phiz.”

An' when 'e'd stayed wiv us a little while
The 'ouse begun to look like 'ome[...]passes me wot looks like some fond dream.

'E 'as a little fruit-farm, doin' well;
'E saved a tidy bit to see 'im thro';
'E's gittin' old fer toil, an' wants a spell;
An' 'ere's a 'ome jist waitin' fer us two.
“It's 'ers[...]
[...], will yeh take it on?”

So that's the strength of it. An' 'ere's me now
A flamin' berry farmer, full o' toil;
Playin' joo-j[...]back fergits to ache.

Me days an' nights is full of schemes an' plans
To figger profits an' cut o[...]he right to rouse. . . .
An' my Doreen's the lady of the 'ouse.

To see 'er bustlin' 'round about the place,
Full of the simple joy o' doin' things,
That thoughtful,[...]ce an' pride o' labour brings,
Is worth the crowd of joys I knoo one time,
An' makes regrettin' 'em seem like a crime.

An' ev'ry little while ole Uncle Jim
Comes up to stay a bit an' pass a tip.
It gives us 'eart jist fer to look at 'im,[...]”
An' so I reckon that it's up to me
To make a bloomin' do of it or bust.
I got to take the back-ache wiv the r[...]lls—fer look at me!
You wouldn't take me, 'bout a year ago,
Free gratis wiv a shillin' pound o' tea;
Then, in a blessed 'eap, ole Forchin lands
A missus an' a farm fair in me 'ands.
The Kid
MY son! . . . Them words, jist like a blessed song,
Is singin' in me 'eart the 'ole day[...]Over an' over; while I'm scared I'll wake
Out of a dream, to find it all a fake.

My son! Two little words, that, yesterdee,[...]the blue
Unless I'm gazin' lovin' at them two.

A little while ago it was jist “me”—
A lonely, longin' streak o' misery.
An' then 'tw[...]lk no slang;
I mustn't pinch 'is nose, or make a face
I mustn't—Strike! 'E seems to own the p[...]g, goo.”

Why! 'smornin' 'ere 'is lordship gits a grip
Fair on me finger—give it quite a nip!
An' when I tugs, 'e won't let go 'is hold[...]wear yeh never did
In all yer natcheril, see sich a kid.
The cunnin' ways 'e's got; the knowin' stare—
Ther' ain't a youngster like 'im anywhere!

An', when 'e gits a little pain inside,
'Is dead straight grif[...]
[...]the tellin' I might feel again
One little part of all that fear an' pain.

It come so sudden that I[...]nurse.

By gum; that woman! But she beat me flat!
A man's jist putty in a game like that.
She owned me 'appy 'ome almost be[...]s! but cold wiv fear inside—
An' then, to think a man could be denied
'Is wife an' 'ome an' told[...]weak wiv funk to start an' rouse.
'Struth! Ain't a man the boss in 'is own 'ouse?
“You go an'[...]joy . . .
An' then she beckons me, an' sez—“A boy!”

A boy!” she sez. “An' bofe is doin' well!”
I drops into a chair, an' jist sez—“'Ell!”
It was a pray'r. I feels bofe crook an' glad. . . .
An' that's the strength of bein' made a dad.

I thinks of church, when in that room I goes,
'Oldin' me breaf an' walkin' on me toes.
Fer 'arf a mo' I feared me nerve 'ud fail
To see[...]
[...]ead. “Dear lad! Kiss 'im.”

Near smothered in a ton of snowy clothes,
First thing, I sees a bunch o' stubby toes,
Bald 'ead, termater face[...]“Look, Kid,” she smiles at me. “Ain't 'e a size?”

'E didn't seem no sorter size to me;
Bu[...]e sez. “Our precious pet!”
An' then, I seen a great big drop roll down
An' fall—kersplosh!—fair on 'is nibs's crown.

An' still she smiles. “A lucky sign,” she said.
“Somewhere, in some ol[...]iss 'im,” she sez. I was afraid to take
Too big a mouthful of 'im, fear 'e'd break.
An' when 'e gits a fair look at me phiz
'E puckers up 'is nose, an' then—Geewhizz!

'Ow did 'e 'owl! In 'arf a second more
Nurse 'ad me 'ustled clean outside th[...]An' leans agen the fence an' thinks reel 'ard.

A long, long time I looks at my two 'ands.
“They'[...]to the bone.”

Them vows an' things sounds like a lot o' guff.
Maybe, it's foolish thinkin' all thi[...]eme an' plan;
But—I dunno—it's that way wiv a man.

I only know that kid belongs to me!
We ain't decided yet wot 'e's to be.
Doreen, she sez 'e's got a poit's eyes;
But I ain't got much use fer them soft guys.

I think we ort to make 'im something great—
A bookie, or a champeen 'eavy-weight:
Some callin' that'll give 'im room to spread.
A fool could see 'e's got a clever 'ead.
[...]ad ring fer me ole conk, she sez it is.
More like a blob of putty on 'is phiz,
I think. But 'e's a fair 'ard case, all right.
I'll swear I thort '[...]hat I don't feel proud.

My son! . . . If there's a Gawd 'Oos leanin' near
To watch our dilly little lives down 'ere,
'E smiles, I guess, if 'E's a lovin' one—
Smiles, friendly-like, to[...]
[...]the orchard's bonzer green,
The flamin' wonder of the settin' sun.

Another day gone by; another ni[...]When 'Ope turned nark an' Love forgot to smile,
Of somethin' I once seen in some old book
Where a[...]ivin' an' lovin'; learnin' day be day;
Pausin' a minute in the barmy strife
To find that 'elpin' o[...]oks wiv yearnings to improve,
To 'eave meself out of me lowly groove,
An' 'ere is orl the c[...]
[...]no dividends.”

Life's wot yeh make it; an' the bloke 'oo tries
To grab the shinin' stars frum out the skies
Goes crook on life, an' calls the world a cheat,
An' tramples on the daisies at 'is feet[...]in'; wand'rin' on yer way;
Reapin' the 'arvest of a kind deed done;
An' watchin', in the sundown of yer day,
Yerself again, grown nobler in yer so[...]minds that values simple things.

An' when I take a look along the way
That I 'ave trod, it seems the man knows best,
Who's met wiv slabs of sorrer in 'is day,
When 'e is truly rich an' tr[...]becos me eyes 'ave seen
The lovelight in the eyes of my Doreen;
An' I am blest, becos me feet 'ave trod
A land 'oo's fields reflect the smile o' God.

Livin' an' lovin'; learnin' to fergive
The deeds an' words of some un'appy bloke
Who's missed the bus—so 'ave I come to live,
An' take the 'ole mad world as 'arf a joke.

* * * * *
Wiv 'Er in all the World to 'old me 'and,
A son, to bear me name when I am gone. . . .[...]
The Glossary
A.I.F.—Australian Imperial Force.
Alley, to tos[...]n, the.—On the turf, horses that fail to secure a leading place;
hence, obscure persons, nonentities.
'Ammer-lock (Hammer-lock).—Aof utterance.
'Ard Case (Hard Case).—A shrewd or humorous person.
'Ayseed (Hayseed).—A rustic.
Back Chat.—Impudent repartee.
Barmy (Balmy).—Foolish; silly.
Beak.—A magistrate. (Possibly from Anglo-Saxon, Beag—a magistrate.)
Beano.—A feast.
Beans.—Coins; money.
Beat.—Puzzled; defeated.
Beat, off the.—Out of the usual routine.
Beef (to beef it out).—To[...]give the.—To treat with derision.
Blighter.—A worthless fellow.
Bli'me.—An oath with the fa[...]lither.—To talk at random, foolishly.
Blob.—A shapeless mass.
Block.—The head. To lose or d[...]—To remain calm;
Block, the.—A fashionable city walk.
Bloke.—A male adult of the genus homo.
Blubber, blub.—To weep[...]
Bob.—A shilling.
Bokays.—Compliments, flattery.
Bo[...], bosker.—Adjectives expressing the superlative of
Boodle.—Money; wealth.
Book.—A bookie, q.v.
Bookie.—A book-maker (turf); one who makes a betting book on sporting
Boot, to put in the.—To kick a prostrate foe.
Boss.—Master, employer.
Break (to break away, to do a break).—To depart in haste.
Breast up to.—To accost.
Brisket.—The chest.
Brown.—A copper coin.
Brums.—Tawdry finery (From Brummagem—Birmingham).
Buckley's (Chance).—A forlorn hope.
Buck-up.—Cheer up.
Bump.—To[...]surrender; to give up hope.
Bunk.—To sleep in a “bunk” or rough bed. To do a bunk.—To depart.
Bunnies, to hawk the.—To p[...]iss the.—To neglect opportunities.
Caboose.—A small dwelling.
Carlton.—A Melbourne Football Team.
Cat, to whip the.—To[...]he milk.
C.B.—Confined to barracks.
Cert.—A certainty; a foregone conclusion.
Chest, to get it off one's.—To deliver a speech; express one's feelings.
Chew, to chew it over; to chew the rag.—To sulk; to nurse a grievance.
Chiack.—Vulgar banter; coar[...]
Chow.—A native of far Cathay.
Chuck up.—To relinquish. Chuck off.—To chaff; to employ sarcasm.
Chump.—A foolish fellow.
Chunk.—A lump; a mass.
Clean.—Completely; utterly.
Click.—A clique; a “push,” q.v.
Cliner.—A young unmarried female.
Clobber.—Raiment; vesture.
Cobber.—A boon companion.
Collect.—To receive one's des[...]for divers reasons.
Conk.—The nose.
Coot.—A person of no account (used contemptuously).
Cop.—To seize; to secure; also s. An avocation, a “job.”
Cop (or Copper).—A police constable.
Copper-top.—Red head.
Copper show.—A copper mine.
Count, to take the.—In pugilism,[...]unted
seconds, and thus lose the fight.
Cove.—A “chap” or “bloke,” q.v. (Gipsy).
Cow.—A thoroughly unworthy, not to say despicable, person, place,
thing, or circumstance. A fair cow.—An utterly obnoxious and otherwise
un[...], thing, or circumstance.
Crack.—To smite. s. A blow.
Crack a boo.—To divulge a secret; to betray emotion.
Crack hardy.—To suppress emotion; to endure patiently; to keep a secret.
Cray.—A crayfish.
Crib.—A dwelling.
Croak.—To die.
Crook.—A dishonest or evil person.
Crook.—Unwell; dish[...]one's schemes or
Crust.—Sustenance; a livelihood.
Cut it out.—Omit it; discontinue it.
Dago.—A native of Southern Europe.
Dash, to do one's.—To reach one's Waterloo.
Date.—An appointment.
Dawg (dog).—A contemptible person; ostentation. To put o[...]
behave in an arrogant manner.
Dead.—In a superlative degree; very.
Deal.—To deal it out; to administer punishment, abuse, etc.
Deener.—A shilling (Fr. Denier. Denarius, a Roman silver coin).
Derry.—An aversion; a feud; a dislike.
Dickin.—A term signifying disgust or disbelief.
Dile (dia[...]Dinkum Oil.”—The truth.
Dirt.—Opprobrium, a mean speech or action.
Dirty left.—A formidable left fist.
Divvies.—Dividends; pro[...]Done me luck.—Lost my good fortune.
Dope.—A drug; adulterated liquor. v. To administer drugs.[...].
Douse.—To extinguish (Anglo-Saxon).
Drive a quill.—To write with a pen; to work in an office.
Duck, to do a.—See “break.”
Duds.—Personal apparel (S[...]nno.—Do not know.
Dutch.—German; any native of Central Europe.
'Eads (Heads).—The authoritie[...]Serang.—The chief; the leader.
'Eavyweight.—A boxer of the heaviest class.
'Ell-fer-leather.—In extr[...]Fade away, to.—To retire; to withdraw.
Fag.—A cigarette.
Fair.—Extreme; positive.
Fair thing.—A wise proceeding; an obvious duty.
Fake.—A swindle; a hoax.
Flnger.—An eccentric or amusing person.[...]it.
Float, to.—To give up the ghost.
Fluff, a bit of.—A young female person.
Foot (me foot).—A term expressing ridicule.
F[...]fear; to lose courage.
Furphy.—An idle rumour; a canard.
Galoot.—A simpleton.
Game.—Occupation; scheme; design.
Gawsave.—The National Anthem.
Gazob.—A fool; a blunderer.
Geewhizz.—Exclamation expressing surprise.
Get, to do a.—To retreat hastily.
Gilt.—Money; wealth.
G[...]Gizzard.—The heart.
Glarssy.—The glassy eye; a glance of cold disdain. The Glassey Alley.—
The favourite; the most admired.
Glim.—A light.
Going (while the going is good).—While[...]Goo-goo eyes.—Loving glances.
Gorspil-cove.—A minister of the Gospel.
Grafter.—One who t[...]rumble.
Guy.—A foolish fellow.
Guy, to do a.—To retire.
Handies.—A fondling of hands between lovers.
Hang out.—To reside; to last.
Hang-over.—The aftermath of the night before.
Hig[...]to.—To wed.
Hitched.—Entangled in the bonds of holy matrimony.
Hit things up.—To behav[...]
Hot.—Excessive, extreme.
Hump, the.—A fit of depression.
Hump, to.—To carry as aa position of supreme importance.
Jab.—To strike smartly.
Jane.—A woman.
Jiff.—A very brief period.
Job, to.—To smite.
Joes.—Melancholy thoughts.
John.—Aof business.
Jolt, to pass a.—To deliver a short, sharp blow.
Jor.—The jaw.
Jorb (Job).—Avocation; employment.
Josser.—A simple fellow.
Jug.—A prison.
Keeps, for.—For ever; permanently.
Kid.—A child.
Kid, to.—To deceive; to persuade by fl[...]—Pretence.
King Pin.—The leader; the person of chief importance.
Kip.—A small chip used for tossing pennies in the occult game of two-up.
Kipsie.—A house; the home.
Knob.—The head; one in authority.
Knock-down.—A ceremony insisted upon by ladies who decline to be
“picked up”; a formal introduction.
Knock-out drops.—Drugged or impure liquor.
Knock-out punch.—A knock-down blow.
Knut.—A fop; a well-dressed idler.
Lark.—A practical joke; a sportive jest.
Ledding.—L[...]Leeuwin.—Cape Leeuwin on the south-west coast of Australia.
Lid.—The hat. To dip the li[...]
[...]Lob, to.—To arrive.
'Loo.—Woolloomooloo, a part of Sydney.
Lumme.—Love me.
Lurk.—A plan of action; a regular occupation.
Mafeesh.—Finish; I am finished.
Mag.—To scold or talk noisily.
Mallee.—A species of Eucalypt; the country where the Mallee grows.
Mash.—To woo; to pay court. s. A lover.
Maul.—To lay hands upon, either violently or with affection.
Meet, a.—An assignation.
Mill.—A bout of fisticuffs.
Mix.—To mix it; to fight strenuou[...]pear; to depart suddenly.
Mo.—An abbreviation of “moment.”
Moll.—A woman of loose character.
Moniker.—A name; a title; a signature.
Mooch.—To saunter about aimlessly.[...]me is.—i.e., I am utterly discredited.
Mug.—A fool; also the mouth.
Mug, to.—To kiss.
Mullock, to poke.—To deride; to tease.
Nark.—s. A spoil-sport; a churlish fellow.
Nark, to.—To annoy; to foil.[...]k.—Physical condition; good health.
Nipper.—A small boy.
Nose around, to.—To seek ou[...]
[...].—An undiagnosed complaint.
Orfis (office).—A warning; a word of advice; a hint.
Oricle (oracle), to work the.—To secure[...]red hose.
Out, to.—To render unconscious with a blow.
Out, all.—Quite exhausted; fully extend[...]send to the.—To relegate to obscurity.
Pal.—A friend; a mate (Gipsy).
Pard.—A partner; a mate.
Pass (pass 'im one).—To deliver a blow.
Pat, on one's.—Alone; single-handed.
Peach.—A desirable young woman; “fresh as a peach.”
Peb (pebble).—A flash fellow; a “larrikin.”
Phiz.—The face.
Pick at.—[...]y.
Pick-up, to.—To dispense with the ceremony of a “knock-down” or
Pilot Cove.—A clergyman.
Pile it on.—To rant; to exaggerate.
Pinch.—To steal; to place under arrest.
Pip.—A fit of depression.
Pitch a tale.—To trump up an excuse; to weave a romance.
Plant.—To bury.
Plug.—To smite w[...].
Plunk.—An exclamation expressing the impact of a blow.
Podgy.—Fat; plump.
Point.—The region of the jaw; much sought after by pugilists.
Point,[...], fear, etc.; also, disappeared,
Pot, a.—A considerable amount; as a “pot of money.”
Pot, the old.—The male parent (from[...]old pot and
pan”—the “old man.”
Prad.—A horse.
Pug.—A pugilist.
Pull, to take a.—To desist; to discontinue.
Punch a cow.—To conduct a team of oxen.
Punter.—The natural prey of a “bookie,” q.v.
Push.—A company of rowdy fellows gathered together for ungentle
[...]eer the pitch.—To frustrate; to fool.
Quid.—A sovereign, or pound sterling.
Rabbit, to run the.—To convey liquor from a public-house.
Rag, to chew the.—To grieve; to brood.
Rag, to sky the.—To throw a towel into the air in token of surrender
Rain, to keep out of the.—To avoid danger; to act with caution.
Rat.—A street urchin; a wharf loafer.
Rattled.—Excited; confused.
Red 'ot.—Extreme; out-and-out.
Registry.—The office of a Registrar.
Ribuck.—Correct, genuine; an inter[...]iled.—Roused to anger.
Ring, the.—The arena of a prize-fight.
Ring, the dead.—A remarkable likeness.
Rise, a.—An accession of fortune; an improvement.
Rocks.—A locality in Sydney.
Rorty.—Boisterous; rowdy.[...]—To upbraid with many words.
'Roy.—Fitzroy, a suburb of Melbourne; its football team.
Run against.—To meet more or less unexpectedly.
Saints.—A football team of St Kilda, Victoria.
Sandy blight.—Ophthalmia.
Savvy.—Common-sense; shrewdness.
School.—A club; a clique of gamblers, or others.
Shicker.—Intoxicating liquor.
Shinty.—A game resembling hockey.
Shook.—Stolen; distur[...]—In perfect order; satisfactory.
Skirt or bit of skirt.—A female.
Skite.—To boast. Skiter.—A boaster.
Sky the wipe.—See “rag.”
Slab.—A portion; a tall, awkward fellow.
Slanter.—Spurious; unfair[...]n haste.
Sloppy.—Lachrymose; maudlin.
Slushy.—A toiler in a scullery.
Smooge.—To flatter or fawn; to bill and coo.
Smooger.—A sycophant; a courtier.
Snag.—Aof no account.
Snob.—A bootmaker.
Snout.—To bear a grudge.
Snouted.—Treated with disfavour.
Solid.—Severe; severely.
So-long.—A form of farewell.
Sool.—To attack; to urge on.
Soot, leadin'.—A chief attribute.
Sore, to get.—To become aggrieved.
Sore-head.—A curmudgeon.
Sour, to turn, or get.—To become pe[...]nted.
Spank.—To chastise maternal-wise.
Spar.—A gentle bout of fisticuffs.
Spare me days.—Aa speech, as a showman.
Square.—Upright, honest.
Square an' all.—Of a truth; verily.
Squiz.—A brief glance.
Stiffened.—Bought over.
Stiff-un.—A corpse.
Stoke.—To nourish; to eat.
Stop a pot.—To quaff ale.
Stoush.—To punch with the[...]old.—An ungentle embrace in wrestling.
Strength of it.—The truth of it; the value of it.
Stretch, to do a.—To serve a term of imprisonment.
Strike.—The innocuous remnant of a hardy curse.
Strike.—To discover; to meet.
Stro[...]th.—An emaciated oath.
Stunt.—A performance; a tale.
Swad, Swaddy.—A private soldier.
Swank.—Affectation; ostentation.
Swap.—To exchange.
Swell.—An exalted person.
Swig.—A draught of water or other liquid.
Tabbie.—A female.
Take 'em on.—Engage them in battle.
Take it out.—To undergo imprisonment in lieu of a fine.
Tart.—A young woman (contraction of sweetheart).
Tenner.—A ten-pound note.
Time, to do.—To serve a term in prison.
Time, to have no time for.—To r[...]our.
Tip.—To forecast; to give; to warn.
Tip.—A warning; a prognostication; a hint.
Tipple.—Strong drink; to indulge in stron[...]person.
Tom.—A girl.
Took.—Arrested; apprehended.
Top, off one's.—Out of one's mind.
Top off, to.—To knock down;[...]
[...]mode; fashion.
Tough.—Unfortunate; hardy; also a “tug,” q.v.
Tough luck.—Misfortune.
Track with.—To woo; to “go walking with.”
Treat, a.—Excessively; abundantly.
Tucked away.—Interred.
Tug.—An uncouth fellow; a hardy rogue.
Tumble to, or to take a tumble.—To comprehend suddenly.
Turkey, head ov[...]heels.
Turn down.—To reject; dismiss.
Turn, out of one's.—Impertinently; uninvited.
Twig.—To observe; to espy.
Two-up School.—A gambling den.
Umpty.—An indefinite numer[...]


<p>First published: 1845. A digital text sponsored by Australian Coope[...]
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