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- Collection7
- Text118
- Collection...
- Medieval and Early Modern collection 118
- Manuscripts 89
- Liturgical Manuscripts 38
- Medieval fragments 25
- Incunabula 8
- Biblical scrolls 4
- Dante's Divine Comedy with Giorgione illustration and death notice 1
- De humani corporis fabrica libri septem (On the fabric of the human body in seven books) 1
- Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica 1
- The natural world 1
- Alternative title...
- Book of hours 4
- Antiphonary 3
- Breviary 3
- Antifonarium 2
- Bible. Psalms. Latin 2
- Ioannis Pici Mirandulae omnia opera 2
- Antiphonary (Franciscan) 1
- Antiphonary (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 355) 1
- Antiphonary (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 368) 1
- Antiphonary (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 376) 1
- Antiphonary (Ms. University of Sydney. Rares Book and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 378) 1
- Antiphonary (Spain) (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 354) 1
- Antiphonary (Spain) (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 356) 1
- Antiphonary (Spain) (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add.Ms. 435) 1
- Antiphonary. Spain, 1781. 1
- Ars moriendi. German. 1
- Bible. Pentateuch. Hebrew. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Manuscript. Nicholson Ms. 37. 1
- Book of hours (Manuscript. Anne la Routye) 1
- Decretales Gregorii IX 1
- Decretales Gregory IX 1
- Decretals 1
- Epigrammata 1
- Gradual (Dominican) (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 370) 1
- Gradual (Pre-Vatican II) (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 327) 1
- Gradual (Pre-Vatican II. Gregorian) (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 374) 1
- Gradual (Pre-Vatican II. Gregorian) (University of Sydney. Library. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Manuscript. Deane Ms. 388) 1
- Horae B.V.M. ad usum Parisiensem, cum calendario 1
- Horae B.V.M. cum calendario 1
- Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, use of Paris, with calendar 1
- Mansūr's Anatomy 1
- Officium tenebrae 1
- Placebo pro choro abbatissæ 1
- Processional (Hieronymite) (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 380) 1
- Regla de las Monjas de Santa Clara, comunmente llamadas Urbanistas 1
- Responsorial (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 358) 1
- Responsorial (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 375) 1
- Tashrīh-i Manṣūrī 1
- Tashrīḥ-i badan-i insān 1
- Treatise on human anatomy 1
- [Antiphonarium 1
- A Hebrew grammar. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Manuscript. Nich. Ms. 50. 1
- Add.Ms. 004 1
- Add.Ms. 005 1
- Add.Ms. 006 1
- Add.Ms. 007 1
- Add.Ms. 008 1
- Add.Ms. 009 1
- Add.Ms. 010 1
- Add.Ms. 011 1
- Add.Ms. 012 1
- Add.Ms. 013 1
- Add.Ms. 014 1
- Add.Ms. 015 1
- Add.Ms. 016 1
- Add.Ms. 017 1
- Add.Ms. 047 1
- Add.Ms. 327 1
- Add.Ms. 329 1
- Add.Ms. 335 1
- Add.Ms. 339 1
- Add.Ms. 343 1
- Add.Ms. 344 1
- Add.Ms. 349 1
- Add.Ms. 351 1
- Add.Ms. 354 1
- Add.Ms. 355 1
- Add.Ms. 356 1
- Add.Ms. 357 1
- Add.Ms. 358 1
- Add.Ms. 364 1
- Add.Ms. 365 1
- Add.Ms. 367 1
- Add.Ms. 368 1
- Add.Ms. 370 1
- Add.Ms. 373 1
- Add.Ms. 374 1
- Add.Ms. 375 1
- Add.Ms. 376 1
- Add.Ms. 396 1
- Add.Ms. 400 1
- Add.Ms. 404 1
- Add.Ms. 411 1
- Add.Ms. 412 1
- Add.Ms. 413 1
- Add.Ms. 416 1
- Add.Ms. 420 1
- Add.Ms. 426 1
- Add.Ms. 435 1
- Add.Ms. 436 1
- Add.Ms. 437 1
- Add.Ms. 440 1
- Aenea Silvii Instit 1
- Antiphonarium 1
- Antiphonary (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 365) 1
- Antiphonary (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 367) 1
- Antiphonary (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 379) 1
- Antiphonary (Spain) (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 344) 1
- Antiphonary (Spain) (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 351) 1
- Antiphonary (Spain) (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 357) 1
- Antiphonary (Toledo) 1
- Antiphonary. Flanders, 1780? 1
- Antiphonary. Spain, 1575? 1
- Bible. Latin. Vulgate. 1454. 1
- Bible. Old Testament. Latin. Vulgate. Selections 1
- Bible. Pentateuch. Hebrew. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Manuscript. Nich. Ms. 33. 1272. 1
- Boniface VIII. Decretals. 1
- Book of hours. French 1
- Book of hours. Latin 1
- Constitutiones (cum apparatu Joannis Andreae) (with XX Extravagantes) 1
- Cronaca 1
- De fabrica 1
- De humani corporis fabrica 1
- De la consolation de philosophie 1
- De liberorum educatione. Latin 1
- Deane Add.Ms. 406 1
- Deane Add.Ms. 407 1
- Deane Ms. 359 1
- Deane Ms. 378 1
- Deane Ms. 379 1
- Deane Ms. 380 1
- Deane Ms. 388 1
- Decameron di messer Giovanni Boccacci cittadino fiorentino 1
- Decamerone. 1588 1
- Deed of transfer of a chestnut forest, Golino, Switzerland, 1482 1
- Epistolae Canonicae 1
- Epistolae Paulinae 1
- Ethica 1
- Fasciculus temporum omnes antiquorum cronicas complectens. 1
- Fisher Hours 1
- Glossa ordinaria 1
- Gospel lectionary (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add.Ms. 040) 1
- Gradual (Pre-Vatican II) (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 349) 1
- Gradual (Pre-Vatican II. Gregorian) (Ms. University of Sydney. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 373) 1
- Gramaticon 1
- Historia del popolo fiorentino 1
- Historia fiorentina. 1
- Historia peregrina 1
- Historia scholastica. 1
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, vbi hvmana omnia non nisi somnivm esse docet 1
- In die natalis domini 1
- Incendium amoris Yesu Cristi 1
- Incunabula 54.1 1
- Incunabula 76.1 1
- Incunabula 76.3 1
- Incunabula 90.2 1
- Incunabula 91.5 1
- Incunabula 93.4 1
- Incunabula 97.1 1
- Incunabula 99.2 1
- Interpretationes Hebraicorum nominum 1
- Interpretationes nominum Hebraicorum 1
- Ioannis Pici Mirandvlae omnia opera 1
- Ioh. Pici opera omnia 1
- Joannis Pici Mirandulae omnia opera 1
- Late 17th-century Spanish antiphonal 1
- Leaf from the Gutenberg Bible, 1450-1455 1
- Leaf of the Gutenberg Bible, 1450-1455 1
- Leonar Aretin Guerr Cartag 1
- Librorum Ethicorum 1
- List of land transfers 1
- Liturgy for the Office of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday 1
- Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy 1
- Nicholson Ms. 15 1
- Nicholson Ms. 2 1
- Nicholson Ms. 20 1
- Nicholson Ms. 24 1
- Nicholson Ms. 28 1
- Nicholson Ms. 3 1
- Nicholson Ms. 31 1
- Nicholson Ms. 32 1
- Nicholson Ms. 54 1
- Nicholson Ms. 66 1
- Nicholson Ms. 9 1
- Nicomachean ethics. Latin 1
- Office for Holy Week 1
- Omnia opera 1
- On the Sphere of the World 1
- Opera omnia 1
- Ordinary chants of the mass. 1
- Passional for Holy Week 1
- Passionarium 1
- Peregrina historia. 1
- Placebo 1
- Poems, manuscript 1672 1
- Processionale Barcinonense 1
- Processionale hispanicum (d'Alava) 1
- Quadragesimale de christiana religion 1
- Qurʼan 1
- RB Add.Ms. 40 1
- Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum cu[m] figuris et ymag[in]ibus ab inicio mu[n]di. 1
- Repertorium Antoni de Butrio Libror.5.Decretalium 1
- Sequens prefatio cusuo cantu dicitur a natiuitate 1
- Sphaera mundi 1
- Supplementary Ms. 002 1
- Supplementary Ms. 040 1
- Supplementary Ms. 320 1
- The Divine Comedy 1
- Works. Latin. 1687 1
- Writing book, 1672-1675 1
Show More - Subject...
- Catholic Church -- Liturgy 20
- Church music -- Catholic Church 17
- Antiphonaries (Service books) 15
- Chants 13
- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) -- Spain 13
- Service books (Music) -- Catholic Church 13
- Antiphons (Music) 12
- Scores 12
- Music -- Spain 9
- Church music -- Spain -- 16th century 8
- Music -- Manuscripts -- Spain 8
- Sacred works 8
- Catholic Church -- Liturgy 7
- Antiphonaries -- Spain 7
- Responses (Music) 6
- Graduals (Chants) 5
- Graduals (Service books) 5
- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) 5
- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) -- New South Wales -- Sydney 5
- Antiphonaries 4
- Antiphonaries -- Manuscripts 4
- Breviaries 4
- Graduals (Liturgical books) 4
- Hebrew language--Grammar 4
- Prayers 4
- Antiphonaries -- Manuscripts 3
- Catholic Church -- Latin 3
- Catholic Church -- Prayers and devotions -- Latin 3
- Church music -- Spain -- 18th century 3
- Hebrew language 3
- Notated music 3
- Philosophy 3
- Processionals (Liturgical books) 3
- Processionals (Service books) 3
- Psalters 3
- Antiphonaries -- Spain -- Manuscripts 2
- Astronomy -- Early works to 1800 2
- Books of hours 2
- Canon law 2
- Catholic Church 2
- Catholic Church -- Book of hours -- French 2
- Catholic Church -- Liturgy -- Texts -- Early works to 1800 2
- Church music -- Spain -- 17th century 2
- Church music -- Spain -- Early works to 1800 2
- Divine office -- Liturgy 2
- Divine office -- Manuscripts 2
- Florence (Italy) -- History -- To 1421 2
- Happiness 2
- History 2
- Holy Week music 2
- Latin literature, Medieval and modern 2
- Liturgical books 2
- Medicine, Medieval 2
- Music -- Spain -- Manuscripts Specimens 2
- Novellas 2
- Poetry 2
- Qurʼan 2
- Sacred vocal music -- Spain -- Salamanca -- Manuscripts 2
- Service books (Music) 2
- Servite Sisters 2
- World history 2
- Canon law -- Early works to 1800 1
- Canon law 1
- Catholic Church -- Liturgy -- Texts Manuscripts 1
- Hieronymites 1
- Human anatomy -- Early works to 1800 1
- Materia medica 1
- Quotations 1
- Anatomy 1
- Anatomy, Artistic -- Early works to 1800 1
- Antiphonaries -- Belgium -- Flanders 1
- Antiphonaries -- Spain -- Specimens 1
- Architectural writing -- Italy -- Early works to 1800 1
- Architecture in literature -- Early works to 1800 1
- Astrology 1
- Augustinians -- Liturgy 1
- Augustinians -- Spain 1
- Balbi, Giovanni, -1298 1
- Bible 1
- Bible -- Commentaries Early works to 1800 1
- Bible -- Historiography -- Early works to 1800 1
- Bible -- History of Biblical events 1
- Bible -- History of contemporary events 1
- Bible -- Paraphrases 1
- Bible Epistles of Paul – Commentaries 1
- Bible Isaiah 1
- Bible Latin Vulgate 1454 1
- Bible. 1
- Biblical cosmology 1
- Books of hours -- France -- Paris 1
- Books of hours -- Specimens 1
- Calligraphy, Persian -- 15th century -- Specimens 1
- Catholic Church -- French 1
- Catholic Church -- Liturgy 1
- Catholic Church -- Liturgy -- Texts Early works to 1600 1
- Catholic Church -- Prayers and devotions 1
- Catholic Church--Liturgy 1
- Celestial mechanics -- Early works to 1800. 1
- Chinese 1
- Christian life -- Early works to 1800 1
- Chronologie 1
- Chronologies 1
- Chronology, Historical 1
- Chronology, Historical -- Early works to 1800 1
- Church history 1
- Church music -- 17th century -- Spain 1
- Church music -- 18th century 1
- Church music -- Belgium -- 18th century 1
- Church music -- Catholic Church -- Spain -- 16th century 1
- Church music -- Catholic Church -- Spain -- 16th century -- Specimens 1
- Church music -- France -- 16th century 1
- Church music -- Italy -- 16th century 1
- Church music -- Netherlands 1
- Church music -- Spain 1
- Church music -- Spain -- 15th century 1
- Church music -- Spain -- 500-1400 1
- Church music -- Spain-- 16th century 1
- Church music--Spain--16th century. 1
- Cistercians 1
- Codices (Law) 1
- Courtly love 1
- Death -- Early works to 1800 1
- Devotion 1
- Dominicans 1
- Dominicans -- Italy 1
- Dreams 1
- Dreams -- Early works to 1800 1
- Dreams in literature 1
- Dürer, Albrecht, 1471-1528 1
- Dürer, Albrecht, 1471-1528, illustrator 1
- Early works 1
- Early works to 1800. 1
- Education -- Early works to 1800 1
- Epigrams 1
- Epigrams, Latin -- Early works to 1800 1
- Ethics 1
- Ethics -- Early works to 1800 1
- Ethics, Ancient 1
- Fiction 1
- Florence (Italy) -- History -- 1421-1737 1
- Forgers -- France 1
- Forgery of manuscripts 1
- Free will and determinism -- Religious aspects 1
- French literature -- 18th century 1
- Geography, Medieval 1
- Geometry -- Early works to 1800 1
- Germany -- Nuremberg 1
- Graduals (Liturgical books) 1
- Graduals (Liturgical books) -- Spain -- Salamanca 1
- Grammar, Comparative and general 1
- Gregory IX, Pope, approximately 1170-1241 1
- Gutenberg Bible 1
- Hebrew language--Alphabet 1
- Historical works 1
- Holy Week -- Liturgy 1
- Human anatomy 1
- Human anatomy -- early works to 1800 1
- Illumination of books and manuscripts -- Forgeries 1
- Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval -- France -- Paris 1
- Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval -- France -- Specimens 1
- Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval -- Specimens 1
- Incunabula -- Germany -- Nuremberg -- 1493 -- Specimens 1
- Italy -- History -- 476-1492 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- Switzerland -- Early works to 1800 1
- Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- Switzerland -- Ticino 1
- Language and languages -- Grammars 1
- Latin literature, Medieval and modern -- Early works to 1800 1
- Lectionaries 1
- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) -- Belgium -- Flanders 1
- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) -- Spain -- Salamanca 1
- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) -- Specimens 1
- Manuscripts, Persian -- 15th century -- Specimens 1
- Mechanics -- Early works to 1800. 1
- Monastic and religious life of women -- Early works to 1800 1
- Monasticism and religious orders -- Manuscripts 1
- Monasticism and religious orders -- Rules 1
- Music -- Belgium 1
- Music -- Italy 1
- Music -- Spain -- Manuscripts 1
- Music -- Spain -- Salamanca 1
- Music theory -- 16th century -- Early works to 1800 1
- Mythology, Classical 1
- Names in the Bible 1
- Orthodox Eastern Church -- Liturgy -- Texts Manuscripts 1
- Papacy -- Early works to 1800 1
- Philosophy and religion 1
- Philosophy, Ancient 1
- Pleydenwurff, Wilhelm, -1494 1
- Pleydenwurff, Wilhelm, -1494, illustrator 1
- Poor Clares -- Constitution 1
- Poor Clares -- Manuscripts 1
- Poor Clares -- Rules 1
- Prayers -- 15th century -- Texts 1
- Prayers -- 16th century -- Texts 1
- Punic wars 1
- Qur'an 1
- Qurʼan. 1
- Religious literature--13th century 1
- Religious materials 1
- Responses (Liturgy) 1
- Romances, Latin (Medieval and modern) 1
- Scotland -- History 1
- Service books (Music) -- Catholic Church -- Specimens 1
- Servite Sisters -- Belgium 1
- Solar system -- Early works to 1800 1
- University of Sydney Library Manuscript Add.Ms. 413 1
- University of Sydney Library Manuscript Add.Ms. 435 1
- University of Sydney Library Manuscript Add.Ms. 440 1
- Vespers (Music) 1
- Vespers (Music) -- Manuscripts 1
- Wolgemut, Michael, 1434-1519 1
- Wolgemut, Michael, 1434-1519, illustrator 1
- p Pentateuch 1
- x Manuscripts, Hebrew 1
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- Manuscript 86
- Book 20
- Manuscripts 1
- Geographic coverage...
- Spain 25
- Italy 10
- France 6
- Belgium 1
- Eastern Mediterranean 1
- England 1
- Iran 1
- Netherlands 1
- Paris, France 1
- Salamanca - Spain 1
- Salamanca, Spain 1
- Scotland 1
- Segovia, Spain 1
- Switzerland 1
- Venice 1
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- Collection...
- Video1
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