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- Image77
- Collection...
- Subject...
- Cosme Co-operative Colony (Paraguay) 60
- Colonists--Paraguay--Social life and customs 33
- Colonists--Paraguay 14
- Australians -- Paraguay 8
- Colonia Cosme (Cooperative society 8
- Utopian socialism -- Paraguay 8
- Children--Paraguay 6
- Lane, Jenny 5
- Lane, John, 1864-1947 5
- Lane, Alice 4
- Architecture, Domestic--Paraguay 3
- Dwellings--Paraguay 3
- Housing--Paraguay 3
- Lane, Ettie 3
- Manuscript maps 3
- McLeod, Allan 3
- New Australia Co-operative Settlement Association 3
- Paraguay--Maps 3
- Villarrica (Paraguay) 3
- Women colonists--Paraguay 3
- Aceval, Emilio, 1898-1902 2
- Architecture--Paraguay 2
- Baker, Harry 2
- Lane, Cosma 2
- Lane, Hilda 2
- Lane, William, 1861-1917 2
- Libraries--Paraguay 2
- Parish, John 2
- Presidents--Paraguay 2
- Sime, Jim 2
- Stevenson, Dave (David Russell) 2
- Wagons--Paraguay 2
- Wood, Alexander 2
- Wood, Lillian 2
- Wood, William 2
- Colonists--Paraguay 1
- Adamson, Mrs. 1
- Adamson, Tom 1
- Apthorpe, Len 1
- Architecture, Domestic--Paraguay--Villarrica 1
- Architecture--Paraguay--Villarrica 1
- Bananas 1
- Barns--Paraguay 1
- Bennett, Billy 1
- Bennett, Fanny 1
- Blue collar workers--Paraguay 1
- Bridges--Paraguay 1
- Chaco War, 1932-1935 1
- Colonists--Social life and customs 1
- Colsell, Robert 1
- Cricket matches--Paraguay 1
- Dwellings--Paraguay--Villarrica 1
- Dyer, Ned 1
- Families--Paraguay 1
- Gosling, Cecil, 1870- 1
- Guaire–as 1
- Guarani 1
- Guarani Indians--Paraguay--Villarrica 1
- Herbert, Sid 1
- Households--Paraguay 1
- Housing--Paraguay--Villarrica 1
- Kindergarten--Paraguay 1
- Kitchens--Paraguay 1
- Labor--Paraguay 1
- Lane family 1
- Laurence, Billy 1
- Leck, Charles 1
- Markets--Paraguay--Villarrica 1
- McLeod family 1
- McLeod, Charlie 1
- McLeod, Daisy 1
- McLeod, Mrs. 1
- Mills and mill-work--Paraguay 1
- Orchards--Paraguay 1
- Paraguay--Social life and customs 1
- Pineapples 1
- Pirapo River (Paraguay) 1
- Plantation life--Paraguay 1
- Plantations--Paraguay 1
- Printerss--Paraguay 1
- Rural schools--Paraguay 1
- School buildings--Paraguay 1
- Schools--Paraguay 1
- Sheds--Paraguay 1
- Stanley, Lionel 1
- Timber--Paraguay 1
- Titilah, W. 1
- Villages--Paraguay 1
- Villarica 1
- Villarrica (Paraguay)--Social life and customs 1
- Weavers--Paraguay 1
- Wilson, J. 1
- Women coloniosts--Paraguay--Social life and customs 1
- Wood family 1
- Wood, Donald 1
- Wood, Kathleen 1
- Wood, Norman 1
- Wood, Rose 1
- Wood, Wallace 1
- Wood, William, Mrs. 1
- Wood-carvers--Paraguay 1
- Workshops--Paraguay 1
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- Call number...
- Type...
- Photograph 73
- Map 3
- Image 1
- Text41
- Collection...
- Alternative title...
- New Australia (Sydney, N.S.W.) 19
- Cosme Colony, Paraguay. Leaflet of general information 1
- Cosme Evening Notes 1
- Grammar, vocabulary, and notes of the Wangerriburra Tribe 1
- John Lane's notebook when he compiled the vocabulary of the Wangerriburra or Albert Tribe of Aboriginals in 1915 1
- Letter to John Lane from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Paraguay 1
- New Australia Certificate of Membership 1
- Price list of goods & work, Cosme Colony, Paraguay 1
- Subject...
- New Australia Co-operative Settlement Association 35
- Collective settlements--Paraguay 34
- Periodicals 34
- Australians--Paraguay 19
- Utopias 19
- Lane, John, 1864--Archives 17
- Lane, William, 1861-1917--Archives 17
- Utopian socialism--Paraguay 16
- Australians--Paraguay 15
- Biographies 15
- Colonia Cosme (Cooperative society 15
- Personal correspondence 15
- Utopian socialism--Australia 15
- Manuscripts--Paraguay 2
- Cosme Co-operative Colony (Paraguay)--Periodicals 1
- E17 1
- E17 1
- Lane, John, 1864- 1
- New Australia Co-operative Settlement Association (Paraguay) 1
- Songs, English--Paraguay--Scores 1
Show More - Type...
- Periodical 20
- Archival material 16
- Book 1
- Manuscript 1
- Newspaper 1
- Sheet music 1
- Geographic coverage...
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