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- Image39
- Collection...
- Subject...
- Australia 39
- Description and travel 39
- Exploration 39
- Illustrated works 39
- Eyre, Edward John 25
- New South Wales 14
- South Australia 14
- Sturt, Charles 14
- Creator...
- Type...
- Image 39
- Text4
- Collection...
- Alternative title...
- Subject...
- Australia 2
- Description and travel 2
- Exploration 2
- Illustrated works 2
- Animals - Birds 1
- Art - Body art 1
- Art - Body art Animals - Mammals - Marsupials - Kangaroos / Wallabies 1
- Biography 1
- Body - Scarification 1
- Cawndilla (NW NSW SI54-03) 1
- Cawndilla (NW NSW SI54-03) Darling River (NSW SH55, SI54) 1
- Ceremonies - Initiation 1
- Communications - Nonverbal - Sign language and gestures 1
- Cooper Creek (Qld Far West SG54, NE SA SH54) 1
- Death - Mortuary / funeral ceremonies 1
- Demography - Birth rate 1
- Discoveries in geography 1
- Discovery and exploration 1
- Discovery and exploration -- 19th century 1
- Environment - Land management - Fire 1
- Explorers 1
- Eyre, Edward John 1
- Family 1
- Fishing - Fish nets 1
- Fishing - Fish traps 1
- Fishing - Fish weirs 1
- Food - Meat - Kangaroo / Wallaby 1
- Food - Meat - Lizard / Goanna 1
- Food - Seafood - Fish 1
- France 1
- French 1
- Gathering - Plants - Roots and tubers 1
- Gender relations - Division of labou 1
- Health - Vision / Blindness 1
- Health status - Nutrition 1
- Housing - Shelters 1
- Human biology - Physical anthropology 1
- Hunting - Fire and smoke 1
- Hunting - Kangaroo / Wallaby 1
- Hunting - Traps, nets etc 1
- Initiation - Circumcision 1
- Initiation - Tooth avulsion 1
- La Pérouse, Jean-François de Galaup, comte de 1741-1788 1
- Lake Bonney (SE SA SI54-10) 1
- Lake Menindee (Willandra NW NSW SI54-03 1
- Lake Victoria (SW NSW SI54-07, SI54-11) 1
- Moorundie (SE SA SI54-10) 1
- Nadbuck 1
- Natural history 1
- Natural history 1
- New South Wales 1
- Pacific Ocean 1
- Plants - Acacias 1
- Race relations - Violent - Massacres, murders, poisonings etc. - To 1900 1
- Reproduction - Infanticide 1
- River Murray (SW NSW, N Vic, SE SA SI54, SI55) 1
- Rufus River (SW NSW SI54-11) 1
- Settlement and contacts - Explorers 1
- Sites - Mortuary sites and cemeteries 1
- South Australia 1
- South Australia - Central Australia (SA SG52, SG53) 1
- South Australia -- Description and travel 1
- South Australia -- Description and travel -- 19th century 1
- South Australia -- Description and travel -- To 1850 1
- Sturt, Charles 1
- Technology - Bags 1
- Technology - Stone - Grindstones 1
- Technology - Stone - Percussion and abrading 1
- Technology - Utensils 1
- Technology - Wood - Fire sticks 1
- Toonda 1
- Topar 1
- Transport - Water - Canoes 1
- Travel 1
- Water supply - Waterholes and rockpools 1
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- eBook 4
- Geographic coverage...
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