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Sydney Harbour Bridge photographs, 1887-1931.
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Roads and bridges of Western Australia
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Roads and bridges of Tasmania
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Roads and bridges of Queensland
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Roads and bridges of South Australia
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Roads and bridges of Victoria
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Railway bridges of New South Wales
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Highway bridges of New South Wales
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Road construction in New South Wales
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Institution of Civil Engineers, N.S.W.: Interstate Gathering 7: Photographs of Burrinjuck Dam, Cataract Dam and Yanco Irrigation Area
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Institution of Civil Engineers, N.S.W.: Interstate Gathering 6: Government Dockyard, Walsh Island, Newcastle
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Institution of Civil Engineers, N.S.W.: Interstate Gathering 5: Photographs of  Newcastle Steel Works
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Institution of Civil Engineers, N.S.W.: Interstate Gathering 4: Photographs of works visited around Sydney Harbour
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Institution of Civil Engineers, N.S.W.: Interstate Gathering 3: Photographs accompanying lecture by A. Peake Esq.
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Institution of Civil Engineers, N.S.W.: Interstate Gathering 2: Photographs accompanying lecture by Jas. Fraser Esq.
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Institution of Civil Engineers: Interstate Gathering 1: Programme
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Sydney Harbour Bridge and city railway construction, Volume 1
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Sydney Harbour Bridge and city railway construction, Volume 2
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Sydney Harbour Bridge and city railway construction, Volume 3