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- University of Arizona 6
- Albert Mead 2
- Biology 2
- giant African land snail 2
- Abu Dhabi recycling station 1
- Achatina Fulica 1
- Archaeology 1
- Asian walking catfish 1
- Bristlecone Pine 1
- Charles Ferguson 1
- Engladina Rosea 1
- European prehistory 1
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- Gerard Kuiper 1
- Hans Suess 1
- Lunar water 1
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- Venus 1
- Venus water 1
- biological control 1
- bufo toad 1
- carbon dioxide capture 1
- carbon-14 dating 1
- carbon-14 fluctuations 1
- desalination 1
- explosive overkill 1
- extinction 1
- giant ground sloth 1
- high altitude astronomy 1
- human influence 1
- human migration 1
- ice age 1
- introduced pest 1
- introduced pests 1
- radio carbon dating 1
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