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- Image145
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- Technology 145
- solar energy 7
- alternative energy 6
- radar 6
- energy storage 5
- laser 5
- Space 4
- Stanford Research Institute 4
- electromagnetic radiation 4
- flywheel 4
- nuclear power 4
- windmill 4
- NASA 3
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory 3
- aerodynamic lift 3
- computers 3
- energy 3
- fuel cell 3
- internal combustion engine 3
- nuclear energy 3
- solar cells 3
- uranium 3
- urban transport 3
- visual cortex 3
- Apollo 2
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- Bathyscaphe Trieste 2
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- Philip Hammond 2
- Richard Post 2
- Steven Post 2
- Stirling engine 2
- University of Utah 2
- biology 2
- centrifugal force 2
- character recognition 2
- electrode stimulation 2
- energy crisis 2
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- fusion reactor 2
- hydrogen 2
- hydrolysis 2
- intercontinental ballistic missile 2
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- life in space 2
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- pendulum train 2
- photon 2
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- 1966 accident 1
- Abu Dhabi recycling station 1
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- Apollo telescope 1
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- Arthur Clarke 1
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- Australian Snowy Mountain Engineering Corporation 1
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- Bell Telephone Laboratories 1
- Boeing Swing Wing 1
- Braille 1
- Braille system 1
- British Post Office 1
- Bryan Allen 1
- C. Gordon Peattie 1
- Calder Hall reactor 1
- Cape Kennedy 1
- Centre for Short Lived Phenomena 1
- Charles Babbage 1
- Charles Graser 1
- Charles Townes 1
- Chinese characters 1
- Christoffer Oldendorff 1
- Christopher Cockerell 1
- Christopher Scholes 1
- Columbia University 1
- Communications Satellite Corporation 1
- Concord 1
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- Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory 1
- Daniel Bernoulli 1
- Dennis Garbor 1
- Doppler shift 1
- Douglas Crombie 1
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- Enrico Fermi Reactor 1
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- Ford Motor Company 1
- Francis Wenham 1
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- Giles Brindley 1
- Global Atmospheric Research Programme 1
- Goldstone Tracking Station 1
- Gossamer Condor 1
- Graf Zeppelin 1
- Guglielmo Marconi 1
- Guguelmo Marconi 1
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- Guy?s Hospital London 1
- H. S. Wolff 1
- Harvard University 1
- Heinrich Hertz 1
- Heinrich Herz 1
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- Institute of High Temperatures 1
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- Joseph Macinnis 1
- Joseph Peress 1
- K. F. Braun 1
- Kenneth Norris 1
- Kiel University Children?s Hospital 1
- Kirilian photography 1
- Kitty Hawke 1
- Kumar Patel 1
- Lawrence Livemore Radiation Laboratory 1
- Lawrence Pinneo 1
- Lear Motors Corporation 1
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- Leonardo da Vinci 1
- Light Detection And Ranging 1
- Lockheed Double Delta 1
- Lockheed floating energy plant 1
- London Hospital 1
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- Los Angeles Ear Research Institute 1
- Louis Daguerre 1
- Ludwig Prandtl 1
- Lusitania 1
- Manned Orbit Laboratory 1
- Mark Twain 1
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1
- McDonnell Douglas Corporation 1
- Megalifter 1
- Messerschmitt-B?lkow-Blohm Group 1
- Midas satellite 1
- Midwest Programme for Airborne Television Instruction 1
- Minuteman missile 1
- Moon landing 1
- Moon rock 1
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- Navaho missile 1
- Navstar satellite navigation system 1
- New York subway 1
- Nihon University 1
- Nike-Zeus missile 1
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- Nimbus satellite 1
- Nimbus weather satellite 1
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- Nuclear Desalination Program 1
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- Optacon scanner 1
- Orford Ness 1
- Otto Lilienthal 1
- Paul McCready 1
- Pegasus passenger rocket 1
- Peter Glaser 1
- Philips Industry 1
- Physics 1
- Pierre-Simon Laplace 1
- Prestel 1
- R. Lundholm 1
- R101 1
- Rankine cycle 1
- Raymond Golsing 1
- Relay satellite 1
- Remington Gun Company 1
- Resolute Bay 1
- Robert Stirling 1
- Roger Bacon 1
- Rotodyne 1
- Royal Aeronautical Society 1
- Royal Botanic Gardens 1
- Russell Wave Rectifier 1
- Russia 1
- SAFE 1
- Safeguard system 1
- Salter Duck 1
- Samos 1
- Satellite for Emergency system 1
- Saturn V 1
- Saturn launch vehicle 1
- Savannah 1
- School for Naval Architecture, Hamburg 1
- Semyon Kirlian 1
- Severn Estuary 1
- Shakey 1
- Sidney Galler 1
- Sim One 1
- Skylab 1
- Skywatch 1
- Smithsonian Astrophysical Laboratory 1
- Snezhnogorsk 1
- Solar One 1
- South pole 1
- Soviet 1
- Sprint rocket 1
- Sputnik 1 1
- Sputnik I 1
- Stephen Salter 1
- Strategic Arms Limitation Theory 1
- Sub-Igloo project 1
- Surrey University 1
- Syncom 1
- Syncom communication satellite 1
- Syncom satellite 1
- T-3 1
- TU-144 1
- Tay Bridge 1
- Teflon 1
- Telstar 1
- Telstar satellite 1
- Theodore Maiman 1
- Thomas Edison 1
- Toronto traffic control 1
- Trios satellite 1
- Tvind 1
- Tyuratam 1
- U.S. Geological Survey 1
- U.S. Postal Service Laboratory 1
- U2 1
- United Stirling 1
- Univac computer 1
- University of Arizona 1
- University of Delaware 1
- University of Miami 1
- University of Southampton 1
- University of Southern California 1
- Uranium 235 1
- Utah University 1
- V-1 1
- V1 missiles 1
- VTOL 1
- Vela satellites 1
- Veterans Administration Hospital 1
- Walter Brattain 1
- Wilbur and Orville Wright 1
- Wilhelm Kutta 1
- Wilhelm Prolss 1
- William Burt 1
- William House 1
- William Shockley 1
- World Meteorological Organisation 1
- X-114 1
- X-15 1
- XB-70 1
- Yutkin 1
- Zond 5 1
- abatement 1
- abstracts 1
- accidental contamination 1
- acoustic emission 1
- active sonar 1
- aerodynamics 1
- air accidents 1
- air bags 1
- air friction 1
- air pollution 1
- air turbulence 1
- aircraft 1
- airship 1
- airship, solar powered 1
- airships 1
- alternating current 1
- alternating electric currents 1
- ammonia 1
- amplification 1
- amplifier 1
- anaesthetic 1
- angle of attack 1
- animal tracking 1
- anti-missile defense 1
- anti-submarine warefare 1
- artificial island 1
- artificial vision 1
- asphalt particles 1
- assembly line 1
- astronauts 1
- atmic weapons 1
- atmospheric pollution 1
- atomic bomb 1
- atomic clock 1
- autoland 1
- automated engine room 1
- automated transit system 1
- automatic safety belt 1
- automatic safety blanket 1
- automotive power flywheel 1
- aviation fuel 1
- bacteria 1
- ballast 1
- barrage dam 1
- bathythermal layers 1
- batteries 1
- battery 1
- bends 1
- binary code 1
- biodegradation 1
- biomedical engineering 1
- bird migration 1
- birdstrike 1
- blimps 1
- boron 1
- boundary layer 1
- brain-computer communication 1
- breeder reactor 1
- breeder reactors 1
- cadmium sulphide cells 1
- camera 1
- camera obscura 1
- cameras 1
- cancer treatment 1
- canning 1
- capsule pipeline 1
- carbon dioxide capture 1
- cast iron 1
- cathode ray tube 1
- cellulose 1
- cellulose recycling 1
- centrifugal forces 1
- centrifugal governor 1
- chalk 1
- channel bridge 1
- character regognition 1
- cities 1
- clean water 1
- clear air turbulence 1
- close circuit television 1
- closed circuit wind tunnel 1
- coanda effect 1
- cochlea 1
- cochlea implants 1
- cold welding 1
- combustion generation 1
- communication 1
- communication satellite 1
- communications 1
- composite materials 1
- computer 1
- computer output limit 1
- computer translation 1
- computer, print formatting 1
- creaking 1
- cruise missile 1
- cyborg 1
- data processing 1
- data transmission 1
- deep sea cooling 1
- deep sea diving suit 1
- deep sea exploration 1
- deep sea oil drilling 1
- defence system 1
- dehydrated food 1
- delta wing 1
- depression 1
- desalination 1
- desalination plant 1
- diode 1
- diode valve 1
- direct current 1
- distillation 1
- divers bends 1
- diving 1
- diving, 1
- dolphin 1
- down draft 1
- drag 1
- drying 1
- dynode 1
- earth return system 1
- eddy currents 1
- elastomers 1
- electric car 1
- electric engine 1
- electric motor 1
- electric typewriter 1
- electrical conduction 1
- electricity 1
- electricity generation 1
- electricity, wind generation 1
- electroencephalograph 1
- electrohydraulics 1
- electronic book 1
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- electronic information transfer 1
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- electronic smog 1
- electronic surveillance 1
- electronic type-setting 1
- electrons 1
- elevated 1
- emissions 1
- energy cost 1
- energy resources 1
- engines 1
- environment 1
- exhaust stream 1
- exhaust turbulence 1
- exo skeleton 1
- exposure limits 1
- external combustion engine 1
- fax machine 1
- feed back principle 1
- fermentation 1
- fibreglass 1
- film 1
- flight recorder 1
- floating fusion reactors 1
- fluidics 1
- flying bomb 1
- flying classroom 1
- flywheel car 1
- focal length 1
- food preservation 1
- food processing 1
- force 1
- forward scatter 1
- fracture detection 1
- freeze drying 1
- fresh water 1
- fuel cells 1
- fuel timeline 1
- fused silica fibres 1
- fusion 1
- future 1
- gas laser 1
- gasoline 1
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- Bob Raymond 144
- Stuart Butler 144
- Andrea Bresciani 73
- David Emerson 72
- Bob Raymond 1
- Stuart Butler, Bob Raymond 1
- Type...
- Image 142
- Text54
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- Subject...
- Technology 54
- Industry 44
- Commerce 18
- Labour 10
- Transport 10
- Utilities 7
- Domestic life 4
- Towns, suburbs and villages 4
- Brick works 3
- Cement works 3
- Ceramic manufacture 3
- Defence 3
- Granville 3
- J.H.Goodlet 3
- Maritime archaeology 3
- subject 3
- subject 3
- Balmain 2
- Brick 2
- Caisson 2
- Government and administration 2
- Kiln 2
- Mining 2
- Pipeworks 2
- Pottery 2
- Shipyard 2
- Slipway 2
- Tools 2
- subject 2
- subject 2
- subject 2
- Architecture 1
- Bardsley family 1
- Barnet Lighthouse 1
- Belubula 1
- Brickworks 1
- Cabins 1
- Concrete 1
- Construction 1
- Cottages 1
- Electricity 1
- Engine room 1
- Equipment 1
- Ethnic Influences 1
- Gas production 1
- Health 1
- Hunter Valley 1
- Huts 1
- Industrial processes 1
- Ironfounder 1
- Junction Reefs 1
- Kilns 1
- Locomotive 1
- Machinery 1
- Macquarie Lighthouse 1
- Maritime infrastructure 1
- Maritime navigation 1
- Milliners 1
- Mine 1
- Pastoralism 1
- Sewing 1
- Steam technology 1
- Steam turbine 1
- Steamships 1
- Technological development 1
- Train maintenance 1
- Turbine 1
- Vessels 1
- Wool storage 1
- subject 1
- subject 1
- subject 1
- subject 1
- subject 1
- subject 1
- subject 1
- subject 1
- subject 1
- subject 1
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- Technical Report 49
- Other 3
- Thesis 2
- Geographic coverage...
- Cumberland 45
- Council of the City of Sydney 25
- Parramatta City Council 5
- Leichhardt Municipal Council 3
- Manly Council 3
- Bathurst 2
- Camden 2
- City of Lithgow Council 2
- Cook 2
- Strathfield Municipal Council 2
- Wollongong City Council 2
- Auburn City Council 1
- Blayney Shire Council 1
- Brisbane 1
- Cabonne Shire Council 1
- Campbelltown City Council 1
- North Sydney Council 1
- Ryde City Council 1
- Upper Hunter Shire Council 1
- Woollahra Municipal Council 1
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