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Art by Percy Frederick Seaton Spence for 'The golden kangaroo' by Ambrose Pratt
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Art by Percy Frederick Seaton Spence for 'Tommy the hawker and Snifter his boy' by Edward Dyson
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Art by Percy Frederick Seaton Spence for 'Tommy the hawker and Snifter his boy' by Edward Dyson
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Art by Percy Frederick Seaton Spence for 'Tommy the hawker and Snifter his boy' by Edward Dyson
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Art by Percy Frederick Seaton Spence for 'Gentleman Jack, bushranger' by Don Delaney
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Art by Percy Frederick Seaton Spence for 'The mare with the silver hoof' by Robert Allan
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Art by Percy Frederick Seaton Spence for 'The sign of the serpent' by John Henry Macartney Abbott
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Art by Percy Frederick Seaton Spence for 'The sign of the serpent' by John Henry Macartney Abbott
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Art by Percy Frederick Seaton Spence for an unknown book
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Art by Percy Frederick Seaton Spence for an unknown book
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Art by David Henry Souter for an unknown book
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Art by David Henry Souter for 'Mum Dawson, "Boss"' by Sumner Locke
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Art by David Henry Souter for 'Mum Dawson, "Boss"' by Sumner Locke
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Art by David Henry Souter for 'Mum Dawson, "Boss"' by Sumner Locke
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Art by David Henry Souter for 'Mum Dawson, "Boss"' by Sumner Locke
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Art by Sydney Ure Smith for 'The poor parson and Duncan McClure' by Steele Rudd
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Art by Sydney Ure Smith for 'The poor parson' by Steele Rudd
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Art by Sydney Ure Smith for 'A bachelor's wife' by Mabel Forrest
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Art by James Fraser Scott for 'Short-lived bushrangers' by Charles White
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Art by James Muir Auld for an unknown book
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Art by Vernon Lorimer for 'Marjorie of Blue Lake' by Ivan Archer Rosenblum
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Art by Vernon Lorimer for 'The red star' by A.R. Falk
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'The crooked stick' by Rolf Boldrewood
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'The boy from Bullarah' by Arthur Wright
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'The great western road' by Henry Falkland Wickham
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'The great western road' by Henry Falkland Wickham
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'The great western road' by Henry Falkland Wickham
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'The great western road' by Henry Falkland Wickham
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'South Sea salvage' by Ernest Osborne
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'The key of the mystery' by William Sabelberg
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'The Rudd family' by Steele Rudd
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'Emu Creek' by Steele Rudd
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'Emu Creek' by Steele Rudd
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'A son of the bush' by Jack North
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'A son of the bush' by Jack North
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'A son of the bush' by Jack North
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'A son of the bush' by Jack North
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'A son of the bush' by Jack North
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'A son of the bush' by Jack North
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'Rooks & crooks' by Harry R. McDuffie
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'Rooks & crooks' by Harry R. McDuffie
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Art by Percy Lindsay for an unknown book
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Art by Percy Lindsay for an unknown book
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'Mystery: outlaw' by Vera Baker
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'Mystery: outlaw' by Vera Baker
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'Mystery: outlaw' by Vera Baker
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'Mystery: outlaw' by Vera Baker
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'Mystery: outlaw' by Vera Baker
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'Mystery: outlaw' by Vera Baker
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'The Romany mark' by Capel Boake
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'The Romany mark' by Capel Boake
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'The Romany mark' by Capel Boake
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'The Romany mark' by Capel Boake
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'The Romany mark' by Capel Boake
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'Bodger and the boarders' by Ernest Francis O'Ferrall
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Art by Percy Lindsay for 'Bodger and the boarders' by Ernest Francis O'Ferrall
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Art by Harry Julius for 'Sodger Sandy's bairn' by Alexander Bathgate
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Art by Cecil Lawrence Hartt for an unknown book
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Art by Amandus Julius Fischer for an unknown book
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Art by Amandus Julius Fischer for an unknown book
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Art by Amandus Julius Fischer for an unknown book
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Art by Amandus Julius Fischer for 'Rung in' by Arthur Wright
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Art by Amandus Julius Fischer for 'Rung in' by Arthur Wright
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Art by Tom Ferry for 'For Turon gold: a tale of the fifties' by Don Delaney
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Art by Tom Ferry for 'For Turon gold: a tale of the fifties' by Don Delaney