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 Mariae Sibillae Merian Dissertatio de generatione et metamorphosibus insectorum Surinamensium
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A specimen of the botany of New Holland
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The Flower Chain 
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Wattles and Wattlebarks of N.S.W.: Plate 8: Wattles and Wattlebarks: Title Page
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Wattles and Wattlebarks of N.S.W.: Plate 7: Acacia decurrens, Acacia mollissima, and Acacia dealbata: Pods
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Wattles and Wattlebarks of N.S.W.: Plate 6: Black Wattle
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Wattles and Wattlebarks of N.S.W.: Plate 5: Sydney Golden Wattle
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Wattles and Wattlebarks of N.S.W.: Plate 4: A Black Wattle or Hickory
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Wattles and Wattlebarks of N.S.W.: Plate 3: Cooba or Native Willow
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Wattles and Wattlebarks of N.S.W.: Plate 2: South Australian Golden or Broad leaved Wattle
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Wattles and Wattlebarks of N.S.W.: Plate 1: Mountain Hickory
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 28: Goodenia ovata
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 27: The Tallow Wood
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 26: Native Rose
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 25: The Christmas Bush
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 24: Podolepis acuminata
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 23: Erect She Oak
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 22: Boronia pinnata
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 21: A Spotted Gum
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 20: False Sarsaparilla
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 19: A Hickory or Black Wattle
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 18: Large Christmas Bells
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 17: Swamp Mahogany
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 16: The Honey Flower
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 15: The Dwarf Apple
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 14: The Native Fuchsia
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 13: The Sydney Black Wattle
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 12: Heath Leaved Dillwynia
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 11: Wonga Wonga Vine
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 10: The Red Honeysuckle
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 9: Sydney Golden Wattle
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 8: The Red Bottle Brush
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 7: The Willow Leaved Crowea
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 6: The Saw Leaved Callicoma
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 5: The Native Pear
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 4: The Coast Myall
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 3: The Flannel Flower
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 2: The Bloodwood
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The flowering plants and ferns of New South Wales: Plate 1: Waratah
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "The Comb Like Wheat Fern"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "Hooker's Fescue Grass"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "The Falcate Love Grass"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "Salt grass"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: Triraphis microdon
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "An Oat Grass"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "Tufted Hair Grass"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "A Spear Grass or Corkscrew Grass"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "A Wire Grass"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "A Scented Grass", Hierochloa rariflora
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "Evergreen Millet"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "A Scented Grass", Chrysopogon parviflorus
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "Comet Grass"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: Neurachne alopecuroides
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "Small Burr Grass"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: Spinifex hirsutus
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: Spinifex hirsutus
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: A "mud grass"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: Panicum trachyrhachis
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "A Panic Grass"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "The Pigmy Panic Grass"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: Panicum adspersum
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "Reflexed Panic Grass"
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A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: "The Half Winged Panic Grass"
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 295: Alectryon (Nephelium) coriaceus
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 294: Hill's Akania
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 293: Black Gum
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 292: A Pigeon Berry Ash
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 291: Mararie
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 290: A Bitter Bark
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 289: Blaxland's Stringybark
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 288: Bird Lime Tree
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 287: Coogera
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 286: Whale Bone Tree
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 285: Bentham's Gum
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 284: Native Pomegranate
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 283: Bone Wood
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 282: Yellow Tulip Wood
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 281: Silver Top
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 280: Wild Orange
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 279: Southern White Wood
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 278: Cheese Tree
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 277: Bangalay or Bastard Mahogany
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 276: Mutton Wood
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 275: Northern Rivers Cherry
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 274: Nettle Tree
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 273: Camden Woollybutt
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 272: Broad Leaved Apple Tree
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 271: Moore's Ochrosia
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 270: A Bell Fruit Tree
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 269: Deane's Gum
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 8): Plate 268: A Rough Barked Apple
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 7): Plate 267: A Stavewood or Ironwood
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 7): Plate 266: Mustard Tree
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 7): Plate 265: Baker's Gum
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 7): Plate 264: Lilly Pilly
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 7): Plate 263: A Rose Apple
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 7): Plate 262: Water Gum
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 7): Plate 261: Maiden's Gum
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 7): Plate 260: A Lace Bark Tree
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Forest Flora of New South Wales (Volume 7): Plate 259: Light Yellow Wood
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